The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began.Now far ahead the Road has gone,And I must follow, if I can,Pursuing it with eager feet,Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and 1)errands meet.And 2)whither then?I cannot say. CE 01、 行路谣...
欢迎收听英文美文Poetry Time|勵志+療癒中的魔戒之詩歌篇The Road Goes Ever On|J. R. R. Tolkien,您可以免费在线收听或者下载您喜欢的音频资源,想要收听更多精彩内容,就来喜马拉雅FM。
I think I’ve mentioned about two dozen times that I reread this book every spring and that Tolkien completely has my heart. Reading this book didn’t just entrench my love for fantasy, it makes me see the world differently. I’m sure I’ve said this before, but after the first time...
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"Hardly a week goes by when someone requests a song for a future session. A majority of the time they can recall a little of the lyrics and maybe some of the melody. They may not recall who recorded it or when it was a hit.Lyrics.netis one place where you can enter lyrics and rec...
He’s been a fan of science fiction since his family introduced him to Doctor Who on TV Ontario in 1978, and his mother read him classic sci-fi and fantasy from such authors as Clifford Simak and J.R.R. Tolkien. James won the 2017 Prix Aurora Award for best YA Novel in Canada for...
within the song – sorry, "hop." "Misty Mountain Hop" can be also found on the B-side of "Black Dog," another Led Zeppelin classic that can't quite mention the song's title. Like "Ramble On" and "The Battle of Evermore," it's another Tolkien-inspired track by the Hobbit-loving ...
“Well, here at last, dear friends, on the shores of the Sea comes the end of our fellowship in Middle-earth. Go in peace! I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.” J.R.R. Tolkien,The Return of the King ...
Hotel Mario is a puzzle/platform game released on the Philips CD-i. It was published by Royal Philips Electronics, which had acquired the rights to produce Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda games after initial plans to make a CD-ROM add-on for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System fell...
truck stop, and I'm writing the lyrics down on the paper bag, trying to keep the car on the road," Cronin remembered. "Finally, for the sake of highway safety and more legible penmanship, I decided to pull off the side of the road and I finished the lyric right there in New ...