Timmy is challenged by his rival, Remy Buxaplenty, to a fairy duel. In the first portion of the duel, the fairies must save their respective godchildren from a gorilla, who throws barrels down girders at them à la Donkey Kong. Season 10 Episode 12B: "Dadlantis" In the beginning of...
When one data haven representative is assassinated (via an armed drone), the story turns into a hunted-man adventure; Laura and her family find themselves hiding out among offshore scientists and artists, the Church of Isis, and agents of rival multinationals. Sticky Thompson, a face-changing ...
On the other hand, the Empire's main rival, the Aldmeri Dominion, plays the trope straight.Empty Levels: In Oblivion, you can only level up three stats a level, so you'd better make sure you're getting a lot from them. That or just never go to sleep....
There is a moment in Netflix’sThe Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance—a prequel to Jim Henson’s belovedDark Crystalmovie (which is great but you do not need to have seen it before this)—where two ancient characters are recounting an important tale to our heroes. It’s about the beautifu...
The majority of the movie takes place in the span of one shocking and breathless night, when his gangster-clients seek shelter in the shop after an unexpected shootout from a rival organization. The Outfit is a sophisticated and constantly surprising thriller. Zoey Deutch is charming as ...
Soho club scene,Deathlooplooks like nothing else. Thankfully, with its speedy gunplay, inventive superpowers, and a clever multiplayer mechanic where you can invade a friend’s game as Colt’s rival Julianna for tense cat-and-mouse hunts, there’s plenty of substance to back up all that ...
Shoyo Hinata joins Karasuno high school's volleyball team to emulate his idol, the Little Giant; but he has to team up with Tobio Kageyama, his former rival. 111 Memories 164 votes Three back-to-back anime films by three different directors make up this sci-fi trilogy three years in the...
The solid supporting cast also includesDon CheadleandMichael Peñaas coaches, andShawn Hatosyas Roble’s most formidable rival, the intimidating Tom Brand from the wrestling powerhouse of Iowa State University. “You make people believe in something,” Robles’ mom tells him as her son’s will...
Some attendees rivalled the stage performers in style and grace and gave the event a touch of class. A busload of voguishly dressed folk from The Lyric Theatre in Granity made the effort to come to Karamea and gave the event a touch of old-school class (Thank you Carlos & Co.). ...
Divided into seven parts, the story of Frank Griffin (Jeff Daniels) pursuing his rival Roy Goode (Jack O'Connell) into the all-female town of La Belle, New Mexico brings inventive framing to the storytelling staples we love. Not to mention, the performance by Merritt Wever is to die for...