终极系列合集.The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series 19:22 ps4中文_364_逃生2.Outlast 2 25:30 ps4中文_365_献给迷宫的墓碑.Dungeon and Gravestone 07:11 ps4中文_366_TUNIC 15:04 ps4中文_367_宇宙之光.Aeterna Noctis 38:25 ps4中文_368_修道院:破碎的瓷器.Remothered Broken Porcelain 19...
newverbs.OnmycomputerIcanbookmarkthosepagesfromtheWorldWideWebthatIthinkI?llwantto lookatagain,thussavingalltheeffortofrememberingtheiraddressesandcallingthemupfromscratch. Icandothesamethingon myPC,butthereIdon?t bookmark;Ifavorite—comingfrom “favoritepages”, sotheverbcomesfromanadjectivenotanoun. Now...
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The Red Book Ritual: Directed by Nicolás Onetti, Chris Beyrooty, Logan Fields, Dean W. Law, Ariel Luque, Jiwon Moon, Dean Puckett. With Valeria San Martin, Agustin Olcese, Marlene Pedersen Chauviere, Bruno Giacobbe. Three friends decide to play The Red
有人了解“The B..几年前在微博看到的,据说是某国外网友声称从TA的网友处见到的对方家藏的神秘书籍(不确定,可能是创作),如今在网络上已经几无痕迹。唯一能搜到的是某个印尼文网站,包含此书的5章内容,机翻如下:
Kun-Sae, arms still tied, banging his head against a series of electrical switches on the wall. A truly bizarre sight. KI-TEK What the hell are you doing? KUN-SAE Mr. Park is home. This is my welcome home ritual. Above Kun-Sae, Ki-Tek sees a tall, open space. The hollow...
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A rite is a formal or ceremonial act, while a ritual is a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order, often part of a rite.
The wiser effort would have been, to diffuse thought and imagination through the opaque substance of today, and thus to make it a bright transparency; to spiritualize the burden that began to weigh so heavily;to seek, resolutely, the true and indestructible value that lay hidden in the ...
an annual festival parodyingecclesiasticalritual andcardinalelections. During the festival, Quasimodo is elected “Popeof the Fools” and subsequently beaten by an angry mob. Esmeralda takes pity on him and offers him a drink of water. Quasimodo thereafter falls in love with the dancer and decides...