newverbs.OnmycomputerIcanbookmarkthosepagesfromtheWorldWideWebthatIthinkI?llwantto lookatagain,thussavingalltheeffortofrememberingtheiraddressesandcallingthemupfromscratch. Icandothesamethingon myPC,butthereIdon?t bookmark;Ifavorite—comingfrom “favoritepages”, sotheverbcomesfromanadjectivenotanoun. Now...
终极系列合集.The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series 19:22 ps4中文_364_逃生2.Outlast 2 25:30 ps4中文_365_献给迷宫的墓碑.Dungeon and Gravestone 07:11 ps4中文_366_TUNIC 15:04 ps4中文_367_宇宙之光.Aeterna Noctis 38:25 ps4中文_368_修道院:破碎的瓷器.Remothered Broken Porcelain 19...
A rite is a formal or ceremonial act, while a ritual is a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order, often part of a rite.
The wiser effort would have been, to diffuse thought and imagination through the opaque substance of today, and thus to make it a bright transparency; to spiritualize the burden that began to weigh so heavily;to seek, resolutely, the true and indestructible value that lay hidden in the ...
Kun-Sae, arms still tied, banging his head against a series of electrical switches on the wall. A truly bizarre sight. KI-TEK What the hell are you doing? KUN-SAE Mr. Park is home. This is my welcome home ritual. Above Kun-Sae, Ki-Tek sees a tall, open space. The hollow...
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tnbzy tnc series tnfaip1 tni trusted network i tni yeary tnice tnsja tnt the neopets team tnv-1 circuit tn understand and enj to act on to pay for university to surprise to a boiling pot flie to a few streets to a place to a place that you o to a poet to a sky filled up wi ...
有人了解“The B..几年前在微博看到的,据说是某国外网友声称从TA的网友处见到的对方家藏的神秘书籍(不确定,可能是创作),如今在网络上已经几无痕迹。唯一能搜到的是某个印尼文网站,包含此书的5章内容,机翻如下:
17. The Ritual In director David Bruckner's scenic tour of a hellscape, four pals hike through northern Sweden to honor a departed friend. Of course, their trip soon morphs into a torturous and never-ending nightmare — with a killer lead performance by Rafe Spall. Slippery and divisive, ...
红书召魔 The Red Book Ritual的剧照按喜欢排序 · 按尺寸排序 · 按时间排序 1436x709 1436x690 1436x709 1436x690 1436x690 1436x709 1436x709 1436x709 1436x709 1436x709 1436x712 1436x712 1436x712 1440x580 1436x583 1436x583 1436x583 1436x583 1436x709 1436x...