Sacred ( multi-chain DeFi Platform offers private Yield Bearing Deposits to DeFi users ✨️ZK GitHub sunset Ethereum, Polygon - Sahara ( The first dedicated privacy protocol ecosystem that enables on-platform trade between volatile and stable assets - sunset Ethereum...
The inseparability of sign and signified, visible and invisible, matter and spirit was foundational for Herbert. The sacramental bread and wine are capable of “Leaping the wall that parts / Our souls and fleshly hearts.”[v](The HC 1633) But the sacred elements never vanish into abstraction...
-215 IC - First Dark Elf raiders penetrate Lustrian jungles to steal sacred artefacts.(Needs Source) ca. -200 IC - Mourkain is sacked by Orcs and Goblins, led by Warboss Garsnag Craktoof. Ushoran is destroyed while defending the gates, by the Orc shaman known as “Red Eye”. The su...
The Hive know no limits when it comes to ambition. Nothing remains sacred within the darkness of their ritual halls. In the summoning pits, that was truer than ever. A horrifying abomination - Phogoth, the Untamed - was created within. ...
Garro: Legion of One finds Battle-Captain Nathaniel Garro continuing his sacred quest across the war-torn galaxy in pursuit of those worthy of serving the Emperor in a new, secret undertaking. Garro and his companions Tylos Rubio, a former Ultramarines Librarian and Macer Varren, a former ...
Cantata / Ricercar II, Sacred History: "Tomorrow shall be..." Cantata / A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus III, Interlude II: "From Whinnymuir" Cantata / Westron Wind Cantata / A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus IV, Postlude: "If ever thou gav'st meat or drink" ...
The Natufian’s manipulations of sounds might have functioned in various aspects of their socio-cultural lifeways, either for hunting, communication or ritualised behaviour25. Further exploration of this discovery may develop such questions as—what is the nature of the sound produced? How varied ...
Pain is good, Silaswhispered, repeating the sacredmantraof Father Josemaria Escriva - the Teacher of all Teachers. Although Escriva had died in 1975, hiswisdomlived on, his words still whispered by thousands offaithfulservantsaround the globe as theyknelton the floor and performed the sacred pr...
Not only the title, but the plan and a good deal of the incidental symbolism of the poem were suggested by Miss Jessie L. Weston's book on the Grail legend:From Ritual to Romance(Macmillan). Indeed, so deeply am I indebted, Miss Weston's book will elucidate the difficulties of the poe...
But I hold it sacred and have never repeated it." Houdini counted that he had had "four close-ups with death" in his career of more than thirty years as a mystifier. The closest was in California, where he risked his life on a bet and not as a public performance. Seven years ago...