In particular, I suggest that the practice of improvised music offers a direction back to a collective experience that previously was the domain of ritual. This experience, which I will convey via parallels between Gadamer’s work and the anthropology of Victor Turner, coloured with descriptions ...
For example: \begtt \Note 1:1-21 {}={Keeping ritual purity} The prophet introduces the context of his book by recounting a personal history (of his and of his friends) in the captivity, education, loyalty to God and service to King Nebuchadnezzar. \endtt Moreover, the last two ...
shore came asking for the wet wood and dung to make fire back home, a futile request given that the material was all soaked. This story was a parable relating how the cultivation practices of non-Buddhist renunciants (Skt.śrāmaṇa) and other ritual specialists (Skt.brāhmanas) were ...
It's an important ritual for me, personally, and it's also where a lot of the best ideas in my writing originate. In my experience, the best apps for keeping a journal have a few things in common: Easy entry: If it takes more than a couple of clicks or taps to add a journal ...
Of course, I’mnotsuggesting you destroy your home. But the underlying principle still holds true in modern times. In fact, many Northern European cultures incorporate a version of this idea through the ritual of Spring Cleaning. By decluttering, rearranging furniture, and refreshing the home, ...
In 1958, the UN Economic and Social Council asked the WHO ‘to undertake an inquiry into the persistence of these practices (meaning female genital modifications) and into measures adopted or planned to stop the ritual operations’ [68]. In 1959, the WHO answered that ‘the ritual practices ...
Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps.stONE Yoga by Janet Stone 4+ ritual, wellness, movement Breakthrough Apps Designed for iPad Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description stONE yoga is a space for practice, connection, and nourishment designed to support a ...
[116,135], as well as the use of some rituals of transference. Thus, to combat fever the patient’s nails were placed in bread and given to a dog to eat, and as an anti-madness ritual, a dog or a pup was opened up and placed on the mad person’s head so the dog’s blood ...
“sub-incision” rituals. Cutting their penis, Wogeo men produced blood to purify themselves of what Wogeo religion claimed is pollution caused by the act of heterosexual sex. In this ritual, Wogeo men imitated the menstrual cycle of women—which, the Wogeo said, accomplished naturally the ...
(1997). Blutrituale. Ursprung und Geschichte der Lust am Krieg. Munich: Verlag Antje Kunstmann. Google Scholar Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. (1973). Der vorprogrammierte Mensch. Das Ererbte als bestimmender Faktor im menschlichen Verhalten. Vienna-Zurich-Munich: Molden. Google Scholar Eibner, C.,...