When you pay back the loan, the lender will require you to pay the principal amount you borrowed plus interest on your settlement proceeds. Lawsuit loans are not regulated. This means a lender is free to set the amount of fees, interest, and terms they like. Also, some lenders charge hig...
Jan 15, 2025 via redfin.comBuying land involves a different set of considerations than buying a home. This guide will walk you through how to buy land in 9 steps, from zoning and land loans to property surveys and submitting your offer. The post How to Buy Land: A Step-by-Step Guide...
Bank CLNs do not technically satisfy all of the definitional elements and operational criteria applicable to “synthetic securitizations” under Regulation Q, such that banks that issue Bank CLNs would not be able to automatically recognize the capital benefits of such transactions (as would be the ...
Employee mobility between title insurance agencies is not a new trend, but courts continue to scrutinize the actions of companies and their employees in a highly competitive landscape. In fact, recent rulings in a contentious lawsuit between two former competitors in Texas concluded that “the possi...
Best States The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said in a lawsuit that a unit of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway ignored red flags that borrowers couldn't afford the mortgages they were given to buy manufactured homes from another Berkshire company...
The problem was nailed in a class action lawsuit recently filed in Kentucky, titledFoster v. MERS, GMAC, et al. (USDC, Western District of Kentucky). The suit claims that MERS and the banks violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, a law originally passed to pursue ...
Cosigning is a common practice in the lending world, and it gives you an opportunity to help your friend or family member by opening those same doors to them. But before casually agreeing to cosign a loan, seriously consider the risks and benefits. It’s no small favor, and you may be...
Before taking out a pre-settlement loan, you should talk to your lawyer about the implications of a pre-settlement loan. Your lawyer can help answer your questions about this process and how it will impact the amount of money you ultimately receive from your lawsuit. Pre-settlement loans depen...
As with taking on any type of debt, personal loans can present certain risks - the biggest being not being able to service the debt in the form of making monthly payments. This can lead to damaged credit, having the debt go into collections and potentially having to take drastic steps like...
Parent PLUS loans, however, are eligible for only one of these plans, Income-Contingent Repayment (ICR), and only after the parent has consolidated their PLUS loans into afederal direct consolidation loan. An ICR plan limits payments to no more than 20% of discretionary income, to be paid o...