The anime TV series "The Rising of the Shield Hero" Season Two, adapted from the novels by Aneko Yusagi, is directed by Masato Jinbo, with the English-language dub airing May 4, 2022 on Crunchyroll:"...'Naofumi Iwatani was summoned into a parallel world along with three other young men...
on Ice. Crunchyroll also has some original series, such asA Place Further Than the Universe,In/Spectre, andThe Rising of the Shield Hero. Upcoming titles includeOnyx Equinox, which is set in Meso-America, andMeiji Gekken: Sword & Gun, which takes place in Japan during the 1870s. It also...
allowing him to become a dominating conqueror. Founding theTen Ringsorganization, the terrorist syndicate would spread to nearly every corner of the world over the millennia. Still, Wenwu was not satisfied — having heard of the ancient village ofTa Lo,...
It may not have started as the focus for creator and star Michaela Coel’s next project, but it became a clear choice while processing her own personal experience of being drugged and sexually assaulted while writing her prior series, Chewing Gum. As a rising millennial writer actively denying...
Unlike a certain someone south of the border, Ford has responded to unprecedented disaster by rising to the occasion (and wearing a mask!). Witness Ford in shirtsleeves personally picking up boxes of mask donations to be distributed among police and health care workers, Ford making nice with ...
IMDb notes -Angel tested for the part of Melanie in Gone with the Wind (1939), the role was given to Olivia de Havilland. Heather Angel possessed a sublime beauty and truly deserved to be a leading lady rather than relegated to supporting roles and guilty but pleasurable B movie status. ...
This is the grave of Caleb Croft (Michael Pataki 178 television & movie credits- from exploitation/thriller/dramas and a slew of horror films-) a known murderer who was accidentally electrocuted to death "” now rising from his tomb in search of fresh blood. Paul and Leslie don’t have...
The fierce backlash from the authorities, pro-Kremlin lawmakers and bloggers, state media, and Orthodox Church groups has been dominating the headlines for days, displacing stories about rising egg prices and allowing people to let off steam by railing against the show-business elite instead. ...
(1940) application of radium based energy was harnessed for bizarre miniaturising experiments. Other scenarios depicted the element's destructive potentials such as radium or isotope rays becoming the quarry of criminals inThe Invisible Ray(1920),Queen of the Jungle(1935),Ace Drummond(1936),Ghost ...
The Rising of the Shield Hero season 2 hasn’t been as great as we had hoped for but it is still too early to lose hope in this second entry. We still adore the cast and from what we know of in the light novel, there is some great things to come that will h...