[dà guó jué qǐ] 大国崛起翻译:大国崛起的英文 The Rise of the Great Powers,大国崛起也可以翻译为 The Rise of Great Nations,还可以用 the rise of great powers; Great Powers; rise of great powers; the rising of strong countries; rise of great powers; the rising of strong countries ...
【超经典纪录片《大国崛起》The Rise of the Great Powers(一)】记录了葡萄牙、西班牙、荷兰、英国、法国、德国、俄国、日本、美国九个世界级大国相继崛起的过程。1 海洋时代O网页链接2 小国大业L小国大业3 走向现代L走向现代4工业先声L工业先声¡查看图片 ...
Ever since it was first broadcasted in 2006, theRise of the Great Powers, a popular Chinese TV mini-series of 12 episodes, has received great attention both at home and abroad. Some have suggested that the showing of this series marked a new orientation in China's foreign policy and a ...
小时候最喜欢看的纪录片之一是《大国崛起》,the Rise of the Great Powers,今天梳理最近一年多看的书,其中一个主题应该叫做the Fall of the Great Powers……
央视经典纪录片《大国崛起The Rise of the Great Powers 2006》即以上述九国的发展历史为内容,共12集,每集50分钟,以九国崛起的大致时间为序。 第1集海洋时代(开篇暨葡萄牙、西班牙) 大发现纪念碑照片 15世纪,欧洲最早的两个民族国家葡萄牙和西班牙,在国家力量支持下进行航海冒险:在恩里克王子的指挥下,葡萄牙一代代...
> The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers 作者: Paul M. Kennedy 副标题: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500-2000 isbn: 0049090194 书名: The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers 页数: 800 定价: GBP 25.00 出版社: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd 出版年: 1988-3-24 装帧: Hardcover©...
The heyday of the European states system was in the century before the First World War. How the system of five great powers in conscious equilibrium came into being is the central theme of this book. 目录 ··· Lists of maps Preface 1. The rise of France. 1648-88 2. The rise of ...
《大国崛起》(英文:The Rise of the Great Powers)是2006年在中国中央电视台经济频道(CCTV-2)首播的一部12集电视纪录片,记录了葡萄牙、西班牙、荷兰、英国、法国、德国、俄国、日本、美国九个世界级大国相继崛起的过程,并总结大国崛起的规律。该电视片在2006年11月13日—24日(CCTV-2)黄金时间21:30首播,每集...
4) Rise of Emerging Powers 新兴大国崛起 例句>> 5) China's rise 中国崛起 1. At present, the world is paying close attention to the problem whether China's rise will exert great influence on the world or not. 正文的第一部分主要论述了时代主题对中国崛起方式的影响。 2. National image...
We have to do is open, the developed countries to absorb advanced political economic and cultural system, with its own outstanding traditional culture, find a correct path for the development of China conditions and unswervingly. Only in this way can we hope for the rise of our great powers....