东非史的观察家们组成各异,有移民,有传教士,也有地方行政总督。他们不仅研究起了自己所任职区域的历史,也缔造了至今仍对东非史研究影响深远的“开拓传统”。F.J.D.卢吉(F.J.D. Lugard)带有自辩性质的《我们东非帝国的崛起》(The Rise of Our East African Empire,1893年)、卡尔·彼特斯(Carl Peters)的《黑暗...
the Eastern Empire 美 英 na.东罗马帝国 英汉 na. 1. 东罗马帝国 例句 释义: 全部,东罗马帝国
The Rise of the Ottoman Empire: Studies in the History of Turkey, Thirteenth-Fifteenth Centuries Wittek, Paul: The Rise of the Ottoman Empire: Studies in the History of Turkey, Thirteenth- Fifteenth Centuries, ed. Colin Heywood, Royal Asiatic ......
Eastern Roman Empire- a continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 395 Byzantine Empire,Byzantium Roman Empire- an empire established by Augustus in 27 BC and divided in AD 395 into the Western Roman Empire and the eastern or Byzantine Empire; at its peak lands...
Conventional accounts of European diplomacy of the 1780s posit that it was split into two separate spheres, east and west. Given the variety of interests of the European powers, this seems unlikely. In fact, the Eastern Question, concerning the fate of the Ottoman Empire and Poland, is tied...
in 2003, a terrible earthquake shook south-eastern iran andruined large parts of the city of bam, an incredible unesco cultural heritage site. 遗址受到自然力量的威胁.长期的自然力量,如风,水和温度,会逐渐磨损古迹.例如,吉萨大金字塔现在比原来矮了几...
of the west.3 the local aristocracies in the eastern provinces never achieved the wealth and independence of their western counterparts.4 Christian bishops never managed to monopolize, thus, under the firm direction of its emperors, the eastern empire not only survived but also prepared for a ...
In the legends, Vikramaditya is said to have thwarted an invasion by the Saka, a group of eastern Iranian nomadic tribes, also known as Scythians, and gained the title of Sakari, or Enemy of the Saka. Chandragupta II conquered the western Indian region of Malwa after defeating the Western ...
The Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, was a continuation of the Roman Empire in the eastern Mediterranean region. It emerged in the 4th century and lasted until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Map of theByzantine Empireduring Mid...