Capital of Xi'an possibly the most sophisticated, diverse city in the world at the time; many other large cities Zhou - emperor rules by mandate of heaven, or belief that dynasties rise and fall according to the will of heaven, or the ancestors. ...
He said the biggest danger Africa faced was from the likely rise in bread prices, as Russia and Ukraine supply about 30% of the world's wheat."The price of bread has been a driving force of political instability, and triggered the Arab Spring. The Maghreb countries – Egypt, Tunisia, ...
During the reign of the Guptas a large area of North India was under Magadha rule (from the Bay of Bengal in the east to Punjab and the Kathiawar Peninsula in the west). At this time there were several states in the Deccan, including Vakataka, Pallava, and Ganga. The empire of the...
(Padma) reaches a width of 10 km and, merging with the Meghna, forms a vast estuary. High water, caused by monsoon rains, occurs in the summer, when the water level in the delta may rise as much as 10 m. Much of the country is subject to annual floods lasting up to three months...
and also protect environment and natural resources through reduced GHG emissions. Global warming is the continual rise in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere due to the high amount of heat received from the sun striking the earth because of the trapped heat in the atmosphere rather than ...
When and where did the cities and trade rise?Answer and Explanation: Humans are social animals, as said in the Aristotle's aphorism, thus the tendency of creating large communities comes natural to humans. First, coming together brings many benefits to humans: Humans find security in numbers. ...
What fueled the growth of the American Indian Movement? What was the Civil Disobedience Movement in India? Describe the rise of independence movements in India and what issues they disagreed on. What did the American Indian Movement accomplish? What were the demands of the American Indian Movement...
For example, RSV infection in rodents leads to overproduction of nerve growth factor,69 which promotes airway inflammation. This observation has also been confirmed in studies of babies with RSV bronchiolitis.70 In a guinea pig model, virus infection causes dysfunction of M2 muscarinic receptors on ...
The omission of the counter part of Surya who was a major god, acceptable to all sects, during the Gupta period is rather surprising. Similarly, of Ganapathi who was just beginning to rise to prominence. 42.2. The Saptamatrkas were earlier connected with Skanda (Kumara), but in later tim...
At the time of writing, the most likely scenario is that President Ramaphosa is able to make the necessary changes and reforms to help economic growth accelerate to as high as 3% by 2022. While this will fall somewhat short of his New Deal aspirations, PwC sees a 75% probability of ...