A riveting account of ancient Rome's imperial bodyguard, the select band of soldiers who wielded the power to make-or destroy-the emperors they served Founded by Augustus around 27 B.C., the elite Praetorian Guard was tasked with the protection of the emperor and his family. As the centurie...
The show is the follow up of its opulent docudrama "Rome" with a more traditional documentary telling the entire story of the world's first Hyperpower. The show will give a fresh take on the well-worn story, and the book will have a scope broader and deeper than the show it ...
伽利略研究资料Galileo in Rome - The Rise and Fall of a Troublesome Genius教材英文电子版 2 下载积分: 1700 内容提示: 108 G A L I L E O I N R O M E works of past philosophers but as the discoverer of many secrets of nature that they were unable to reveal, thanks to the deep and...
凯撒大帝(下)(DVD) 类别:DVD 品牌:The Rise And Fall of Rome's Last Dictator以及凯撒大帝(下)(DVD)图片、评论、心得等信息,为您购买凯撒大帝(下)(DVD)提供方便快捷的网上购物体验
古希腊的城邦国家建立在青铜器时代王国崩溃(collapse of the Bronze Age Greek kingdoms)之后的铁器时代早期(Early Iron Age,EIA)。但是古希腊为什么没有发展成为中央集权制的几个规模较大的国家(如青铜器时代的西叙利亚城邦国家、或是铁器时代的腓尼基Phoenician城邦国家)、或是成为一个庞大的帝国(如果Carthage、Rome)...
A compelling history of the Ptolemies, the decline of Egypt, and the rising power of the Roman EmpireThe Ptolemaic era, Egypt’s last and one of its longest dynasties, was in many ways a gilded age. Its early rulers restored and even expanded Egyptian power. Over a span of 300 years ...
网络古罗马的兴衰;古罗马的兴亡 网络释义
"Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire" The Forest of Death (TV Episode 2008) - Parents guide and Certifications from around the world.
He was used to the bigger living quarters of the West and in a little while he would have to go crosstown to his "book" to run the noontime action. It was a Sunday, the heaviest action of the week, what with baseball going already and the tail end of basketball and the night ...
Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire: With Lyall B. Watson, Michael Sheen, James D'Arcy, Pip Torrens. A docu-drama covering the rise and the fall of the Roman world, including the establishment of strong individual rule by Julius Caesar and the r