In: The Ethics of Consent: Theory and Practice. Miller F, Wertheimer A, editor. New York (NY): Oxford University Press; 2010. Consent to medical care: the importance of fiduciary context; pp. 347–7.Miller, Franklin and Wertheimer, Alan (2010) The ethics of consent: Theory and practice...
(As far as politics is present at all in Rawls, it is reduced to the 'politics of interest', that is, the pursuit of differing interests defined prior to and independently of their possible articulation by competing alternative discourses. The aim of his theory of justice is to regulate that...
b.A theory or a system of moral values:"An ethic of service is at war with a craving for gain"(Gregg Easterbrook). 2.ethics(used with a sing. verb)The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person; moral philosophy. ...
These can be grouped under three headings, each represent- ing a core area of moral philosophy: 1. Value theory 2. Normative ethics 3. Metaethics most of those who harbor serious doubts about morality base their skepticism on one or more of the following considerations: (A) Individuals constan...
(redirected from rights-based theory)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. the·o·ry (thē′ə-rē, thîr′ē) n. pl. the·o·ries 1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or...
This can violate the equal rights of minority members and turn policy into a tool for enforcing partisan views of the best way to live. Ronald Dworkin's theory of rights is drawn on to support this view. Dworkin argues that any policy which grants greater concern or respect to some ...
{625--656}, publisher = {Gyldendal Akademisk}, series = {Family life and human rights: papers presented at the 11th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law}, title = {Ethics, parenthood and human rights: an evaluation of the reactions to the genetic revolution}, year =...
Ethical economy implies as well the use of ethical concepts in economic analysis as the use of economic tools or economic concepts in philosophical ethics. The second interdisciplinary transfer from economics into ethical theory has not attracted so much scholarly attention yet although there are still...
而一个生命是否拥有心灵——以及这意味着什么——通常被认为与许多伦理问题高度相关:参见乔纳森·斯佩尔曼(Jonathan Spelman)的《道德可考量性理论:何者与何物道德上重要(Theories of Moral Considerability: Who and What Matters Morally)》和纳森·诺比斯(Nathan Nobis)的《堕胎的伦理(The Ethics of Abortion)》。