But the wish to appear moral was more than this. International law, after all, recognized the "right of conquest" as an adequate claim to sovereignty over territory. At bottom, states needed to assert their imperial rule as a matter of right simply because the men who ran them needed to ...
接着往下看,邓布利多说,“We have been given the power and that power gives us the right to rule and the responsibilities over the ruled”而这正是驳倒反对者的一个crucial point. i.e. FOR THE GREATER GOOD。 当时的GGAD有一个改变巫师秩序,重建魔法世界的伟大而疯狂的目标,或者更精确点,是为了实现...
我要写书评 Legitimacy, Illegitimacy, and the Right to Rule的书评 ···(全部 0 条) + 加入购书单 谁读这本书?··· 二手市场· ··· 在豆瓣转让手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于Legitimacy, Illegitimacy, and the Right to Rule的评论: feed: rss 2.0...
reserve the right to 是一种典型的“自留权”,即保留给处于“强势”地位的行为主体自己使用、主要表示“权力”(而并非“权利”)主张的词语,其主语一般都是 We、I 或本公司,不可以是第二或第三人称(如写成 You/he shall reserve the right)。Some bars reserve the right to refuse entrance to teenager...
This is howApplehandles these requests, explaining that it reserves the right to refuse a refund request if there's any evidence of fraud: You may also want to take these matters on a case-by-case basis and state that in a Return & Refund Policy or in your Terms & Conditions agreement...
1.Conforming with or conformable to justice, law, or morality:do the right thing and confess. 2.In accordance with fact, reason, or truth; correct:the right answer. 3.Fitting, proper, or appropriate:It is not right to leave the party without saying goodbye. ...
( )3. What is the right rule the pig should follow? A. Take turns. B. Stand in the first. C. Talk loudly. ( )4. It's nine thirty now. What are the animals doing? A. All the animals are lining up. B. They are talking loudly. C. They are seeing a film. ( )5. What ...
aThe right to carry a dispute with the government before the ordinary courts manned by judges of the highest independence, is an important element in the Anglo-American concept of the rule of law. 权利运载争执以政府,在最高的独立的法官供以人员的普通的法院,是要素在法规的英裔美国人的概念之前。
Miranda rule - the rule that police (when interrogating you after an arrest) are obliged to warn you that anything you say may be used as evidence and to read you your constitutional rights (the right to a lawyer and the right to remain silent until advised by a lawyer) precept, principl...
(1) The supreme Court hasruled(that) the decision to die is not aconstitutionally protected rightbutrathera matter to be settled by the states, whichupheldOregon’ law. 赏析:注意此处的rule表示“裁定”;constitutionally protected right翻译为“受宪法保护的权利”。