If you've been accused of a crime, you know you have a right to an attorney. That's all well and good, but what exactly do you get according to this right?The Sixth Amendment, which provides the right to counsel, doesn't really go......
The Ohio Supreme Court ordered the board to change two of eight areas in Issue 1’s ballot language that deals with limits on challenging court decisions and the public’s right to influence the commission. Read More Elections, State News, The Midwest, Ohio, News, LEADCitizens Not Politician...
The 6th Amendment covers the rights of an accused to a fair trial. The 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution is also known as the Speedy Trial Amendment and Right to an Attorney Amendment. What is the 6th Amendment? The 6th Amendment describes therights to which someone accuse...
You have the right to remain silent. 你有权保持沉默。 Anything you say can and will be used against you. 那么你所说的一切都能够用做呈堂证供。 You have the right to an attorney. 你有权在请一位律师。 If you cannot afford one, an attorney 如果你付不起律师费的话,我们可以给你指派一位...
And humanity isn’t about the right to trumpet moral superiority. Humanity is about compassion, even forgiveness. Catherine Piper in all her fear reacted in a very human way. She’s here now asking you to do the same.译文:检察官Valerie Murrow: 这里没有正当防卫或别种性质的防卫,我不会浪费...
Attorney General n 1.(Law) (in the United Kingdom except Scotland) the senior law officer and chief legal counsel of the Crown: a member of the government and of the House of Commons 2.(Law) (in the US) the chief law officer and legal adviser to the Administration: head of the Depa...
1.Freedomofreligion2.Freedomofspeech3.FreedomofthePress4.Righttopeaceablyassemble5.Righttocomplaintothegovernment Madison,Wisconsin March2011 MostfamiliesinAmericain 1791hadagun(single-shot)ofsomesortinthehome(forhuntingand/orself-defense).MostAmericanbelieveitwasduetothisfactthatthecolonistscould...
英语翻译6th Amendment.Criminal ProceedingsA person accused of crime has the right to be tried in courtwithout undue delay and by an impartial jury; see Article III,Section 2,Clause 3.The defendant must be informed ofthe charge upon which he or she is to be tried,has the rightto cross-exa...
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