1. A legal document or property delivered by a promisor to a third party to be held by the third party for a given amount of time or until the occurrence of a condition, at which time the third party is to hand over the document or property of the promisee. 2. A security device: ...
Cautious - means taking care to be correct e.g. that the person is the right recipient, the amount is correct etc. Using discreet means to be low key, making sure others don't see the amount or what is being done, keeping the transaction out of the public eye, etc. Using considerate...
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck! ? Welcome to WordHub! Use the letters in the wheel to create as many words as you can before time runs out!
Choose the Right Synonym forsettle decide,determine,settle,rule,resolvemean to come or cause to come to a conclusion. decideimplies previous consideration of a matter causing doubt, wavering, debate, or controversy. shedecidedto sell her house ...
Students who have been out of school over summer, winter or spring breaks may benefit from the advantages of remedial teaching. Continuing remedial lessons over an extended time reinforces skills that may have been lost due is one way remedial lessons benefit students. Teachers looking to reinforce...
Choose the Right Synonym for part Noun part, portion, piece, member, division, section, segment, fragment mean something less than the whole. part is a general term appropriate when indefiniteness is required. they ran only part of the way portion implies an assigned or allotted part. cut...
【synonym】dispute/squabble/thesis(论点) 【例句】This argument, however, does not holds water. 2.As time passed, some rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and provided material for art and drama. 【核心词汇】persist ...
Synonyms for in the red in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for in the red. 103 synonyms for red: crimson, scarlet, ruby, vermilion, rose, wine, pink, cherry, cardinal, coral, maroon, claret, carmine, flushed, embarrassed, blushing... What are synonyms for in t
Extensive:In addition to beingTightly Circumcised, large amounts of skin is flayed from the shaft – leaving a band of scarring around it, like a ring. This is one of the worst forms of circumcision that is commonly performed in hospitals today. ...
Choose the Right Synonym for play fun, jest, sport, game, play mean action or speech that provides amusement or arouses laughter. fun usually implies laughter or gaiety but may imply merely a lack of serious or ulterior purpose. played cards just for fun jest implies lack of earnestness ...