A fresh set of negotiations has begun, and it is up to the two nations to resolve their differences or risk a return to war. They should be well aware that this fruitless conflict has not endeared them to the other ethnic groups of the dual monarchy at all. 奥-匈“战争”已经迈入第八...
Many Fiefdom flags + Dark Realm Umbar -- Dean200027, Lord Saruman of Many Colors, Dawnless Day submod to one of the HOI4 LOTR mods Music & Sound Assets Main Theme: Middle Earth Project for CK2 War Declared SFX: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003) References Bernd_das_BrotB7...
I’m Voffvoffhunden (also known as Petter on the discord or even in private life), one of the game’s content designers. Most people probably haven’t seen me around a lot, since I’ve been working on CK3 in secret since the release of HoI4. It’s been a long journey, but it’...
The Kingdom of Spain really conqured all Spain, but suddenly after the peace deal they recame from nothing, wihout talking about the wacky borders, Catalonian-Spain randomly possessing a bit of land near portugal, the north spain having a disconnected Valencia. -Well I propose th...
Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns expansion feature spotlight by HoI4's game director Dan "Podcat" Lind. Tutorials[编辑 | 编辑源代码] Man the Guns tutorial: Army-like Fleet Compositions. Man the Guns is a new naval themed expansion that brings you closer to the swelling waves as you train...
threads/hoi4-dev-diary-bits-bobs.1027774/ 为了更好的观看体验,请选择 http://www.zybuluo.com/fa93hws/note/778615 ——— Hi everyone, sorry for the late diary. It was a little crazy at the office today coming back from the long weekend... But all is well that ends well, so here we ...
Born in the dimming light of the Qing, Gao began life awkwardly. Being shrewd, frail, and often plagued from chronic bouts of tuberculosis, his future was made brighter by the privilege of studying in Japan. Upon his return to Nanjing, Gao found work at the city university, where he ...
6th January is the first workday of 1986 and also the return of the Assembly for a session. Unsurprisingly, almost all members of DPR and DPD present as a yearly session would convene at that time. LKY and his cabinet arrived with confident faces, but still determined for protecting his pi...
Wales and Scotland, while against the Germans, have little wish to return to a United Kingdom, and while the Reds would be more than happy to overthrow the Collaborators, there’s no question that the price for their assistance may be more than the resistance can...
大逃杀新模式会在北京时间星期六的凌晨一点上线,一直到北京时间下个星期二凌晨一点下线Our new mode in King of the Kill, Ignition, will be up on our test servers starting Friday, ... 分享120赞 福安二中吧 千种风情同谁说 have a nice weekend all of uDreamboat,this may not be the right time...