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Jackson rumored Mace Windu return in STAR WARS, Denzel Washington confirmed BLACK PANTHER 3… Tremble Ep 321: Perfect Blue HOSTS:Kurt Steve Taylor Tremble is a unique horror movie podcast that explores the different sub-genres of horror to find the best that horror has to offer. On this ...
Supergirl is one of the most iconic, influential superheroes of all time, and one of the many female superheroes who defined the growing place of women in comics. But she's not alone - she's part of a long tradition of great female superheroes. ...
The groundbreaking and always-inventive team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev (Jinxworld’s SCARLET, Marvel’s Daredevil) reunite on a mystery thriller that stretches across the DC Universe and touches every character from Batman to Superman to the Question to Talia al Ghul...
Superman inspires fascism! Batman turns kids gay! That nonsense was the thesis of Dr. Frederick Wertham’s 1954 book Seduction of the Innocent, and people believed it! The mass panic over how comics could be corrupting the children in the 1950s led to the creation of the Comics Code ...
During the Modern Era, a growing range of effective treatments for acute disease and improved conditions at work and at home led to a substantial reduction of mortality, particularly in childhood and early adult life. But at the same time, a progressive