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Results showed that phantosmia was the only significant predictor (OR = 16.13, p = 0.025, 95% CI 1.42–183.45). Descriptive data also indicates an association between baseline phantosmia and sustained parosmia; of the 8 participants who went on to have persistent parosmia, 6 were ...
4a, d). The results showed that the t50 is decreased and the apparent growth rate increased for both wt hIAPP and S20G when the seeds are fragmented (more fibril ends) (Supplementary Fig. 4b, e and Supplementary Fig. 4c, f, respectively), consistent with elongation processes contributing ...
Validity is a synonym for accuracy and reliability is a synonym for precision. The level of accuracy/validity of a system reflects how close the mean of the results is to the true value (reflection of systematic errors). The level of precision/reliability reflects how close the random values ...
Functional perfectionists showed significantly higher GPMF than dysfunctional perfectionists. Furthermore, the competitive condition increased GPMF significantly more in functional perfectionists (compared to dysfunctional perfectionists) and girls tended to show higher GCT across the conditions. The results ...
The results of the LSU phylogeny of 409 strains (Group I LSU analysis) showed one unsupported and 13 supported clade branches (bootstrap support ≥ 80%). The ultimate clade ofArthrodermataceaewas followed byOnygenaceae,Gymnoascaceae,AscosphaeraceaeandSpiromastigoidaceae, withAjellomycetace...
Our results demonstrate that Thielavia is highly polyphyletic, being related to three family-level lineages in two orders. The redefined genus Thielavia is restricted to its type species, Th. basicola, which belongs to the Ceratostomataceae (Melanosporales) and its host is demonstrated to be ...
Six different partitioning schemes, ranging from one to 13 partitions (Table1), were tested to establish the optimal number of data partitions (following Liet al. [49]) for the final analysis. The results showed that the 13 partition model was the best choice (Table1); however, ML analysis...
6a). These results indicate that the somatic fraction of iGCA testis cells is actively responding to an inflammatory environment. Fig. 6: Inflammation and aging markers at the local and systemic level. a Localization of HMGB1 (brown stain) in 1 out of 3 representative testes with normal ...
While our results from the Tonle Sap revealed that overall declining catches were associated with large-bodied species, some small-sized species were also declining. These species feed in higher trophic levels (3.4–3.7) than some giant- and large-sized species such as the Mekong giant catfish ...