The restricted cubic spline analysis also demonstrated similar results. In patients aged 鈮 70 years, the risk of death and MACCE gradually increased at HbA1c levels below 6.8% and 7.3%, respectively. CONCLUSION. Our study revealed a U-shaped relationship between admission HbA1c levels and ...
Examples show that the inclusion of time-dependent covariables defined as step functions into the restricted cubic spline proportional hazards model reduces computation time by a factor of 213 over the Cox model. Advantages of the spline model also include flexibility of the hazard, smooth survival ...
限制性立方样条在非线性回归中的应用研究 The Application of Restricted Cubic Spline in Nonlinear Regression 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: 限制性立方样条在非线性回归中的应用研究事罗剑锋1,2金欢1· 2李宝月1· 2赵耐青1· 2△· 229·【提要】目的探讨限制性立方样条在自变量和应变量非线性相关时的应用。方法...
In addition, the restricted cubic splines is one of the most ideal function models used in dose-response analysis, which allows the risk to vary without sudden jump from one interval to the next one16. In this study, we aimed to investigate the continuous ORs of BMI on three common ...
The restricted cubic spline hazard model. Commun Stat-Theor M. 1990;19(2):639–63. Article Google Scholar Frome EL, Kutner MH, Beauchamp JJ. Regression analysis of poisson-distributed data. J Am Stat Assoc. 1973;68(344):935–40. Article Google Scholar Frome EL, Checkoway H. Use of...
Evidence-based medication adherence among seniors in the first year after heart failure hospitalisation and subsequent long-term outcomes: a restricted cubic spline analysis of adherence-outcome relationships Xiwen Qin Joseph Hung Frank M. Sanfilippo European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2023)Downloa...
To account for a non-linear association, we used restricted cubic spline analysis. The U-shaped association found, represented in Figure1, showed a consistent protection against incident depression for baseline moderate alcohol intake. Figure 1 ...
May is an important period for land managers in northern Australia, but our analysis is not restricted to that month alone; it could conceivably be run each month continuously, over the landscape as new Landsat imagery is acquired. Ultimately, we aim to forecast not just forage quality, but ...
Moreover, the possible nonlinear correlation between TyG index changes and PRCs was examined through restricted cubic spline analysis using the rms package in R software. Furthermore, to evaluate the predictive performance of the TyG index for PRCs, ROC curves were plotted, and AUC values were cal...
Restricted cubic spline analyses with 3 knots (at the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles) adjusted for the same potential confounders were represented to visually display the dose-response relationship between the consumption of total, common and virgin OO and mortality risk. We re-ran the models ...