The Restoration is typically represented as a clean break with the Interregnum. This "rupture" model creates the expectation that literary culture comes back in from the cold and the countryside; it also privileges certain forms of literature associated with the new court culture. This has hindered...
LiteratureofTheNeoclassicalPeriod( The Neoclassical Period(1660~1785) __-__ Anita Background of Neoclassicism The Bourgeois Revolution(资产阶级革命) The Restoration(王朝复辟) The Glorious Revolution(光荣革命) The Industrial Revolution (工业革命) Representatives1. John Milton(约翰弥尔顿) 2. Alexander ...
and in the English reform agitation4, these aristocracies again succumbed to the hateful upstart. Thenceforth, a serious political struggle was altogether out of the question. A literary battle
After the Restoration, a new era in literature appeared. People during this period had a profound faith in the power of human reason and intelligence and thus was calledthe Age of Reason.Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swiftcan be seen as the representatives of this period. Content ◎4.1 Age of ...
The most distinguished literary figure of the Restoration Period was John Dryden, poet, , andplaywright.40. Paradise Lost is a long epic. The stories are taken from .41. The Pilgrims Progr 16、ess tells of the spiritual pilgrimage of Christian, who flies form City of Destruction, and ...
alone remained possible. But even in the domain of literature the oldcriesof the restoration period had become impossible. 1. agitation n. 煽动,鼓动 2. upstart n. 狂妄的新上任者(指上文提到的现代资产阶级) 3. thenceforch ad. 从那时起,此后 ...
8.In the Restoration period, drama revived mainly because___. A.Charles II and his court brought back with them a taste for drama. 在复辟时期,戏剧复兴主要是因为查尔斯二世和他的法庭将对戏剧的兴趣重新带回来了。 9.Restoration plays have a significance in the history of English literature because...
The Restoration and 18th Century TheRestorationand18thCentury 王朝复辟和18世纪的英国文学 (1660—1798)1 1.Period:1660:thereturnoftheStuarts↓ 1798:LyricalBallads 2 Anglo-SaxonKings(808-1066盎格鲁-撒克逊王)HouseOfNormandy(1066-1154诺曼底王朝)HouseOfPlantagenet(1154-1399金雀花/安茹王朝)House...
英国文学文艺复兴时期课件The-Period-Of-English-Bourgeois-Revolution-and-Restoration 英国文学史各个时期中的文学流派British literature in each period 英国文学史浪漫主义时期复习笔记 Notes on English literature Romantic Period 英国文学The Romantic Period (浪漫主义时期) The Anglo Norman Period英国文学盎格鲁诺曼时...
1.PeriodofacomparativelypeacefuldevelopmentinEngland2.Twohostileparties:WhigsandTories3.Talentedwriters:servantsofthetwoparties4.Developmentofsociallife5.Apublicmovement:TheEnlightenment6.Newliterarycurrent:Sentimentalism I.ExercisesforHistoricalBackground Filltheblanks1.Aftertheviolenteventsofthe17thcentury,Englandenter...