Create a CNAME record with your DNS provider that points from your domain ( to enter you domain below. This method is simpler, but results in a brief downtime while Azure verifies the domain registration. (...
The request URI is invalid. HttpStatusCode: 400 ErrorCode: InvalidUri RequestId : 5f4500db-f01e-00ee-671f-930e73000000 TimeStamp : 2019-11-04T14:51:47.3723394Z How do I resolve this? All replies (3) Monday, November 4, 2019 6:07 PM ...
} when I test it locally with Postmanhttp://localhost:7211/api/StoragePostFunction, it works fine. But when I publish this Azure Function and test it with postman it gives me this errorStatus:400(Valueforoneofthe query parameters specifiedinthe request URIisinvalid.)ErrorCode:...
---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. at System.Net.Security.SslStream.StartSendAuthResetSignal(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest, ExceptionDispatchInfo exception) at System.Net.Security.SslStrea...
-ac<Client ID of the input app if the app uses the Microsoft Authentication Library>This is the GUID in the Client ID field from your app's listing in the App Registration blade. -ar<Redirect/Reply URI of the input app if the app uses the Microsoft Authentication Library>This is the Re...
The provided URI scheme 'http' is invalid; expected 'https'. Parameter name: via 提供的URI方案’https’无效;预期’http’.参数名称:via 解决方法 当您将安全标签的模式更改为运输时,您会得到什么? <security mode="Transport"> 我们使用https服务,这是我们使用的模式 – 在我们的开发环境中,我们使用None...
针对你遇到的“oauth error invalid_request: the redirect_uri is not whitelisted”错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认OAuth流程中的redirect_uri是否正确: 在OAuth流程中,redirect_uri是用于指定授权服务器在授权成功后重定向用户浏览器的URL。你需要确保这个URL与你在OAuth服务提供商(如Google、Facebook...
The request URI, in the following form: VERB https://{instance}[/{team-project}]/_apis[/{area}]/{resource}?api-version={version} instance: The Azure DevOps Services organization or TFS server you're sending the request to. They are structured as follows: Azure DevOps Services: dev....
Method Request-URI HTTP-VersionHeader-field:Header-valueRequest-Body or Set names for HTTP requests To quickly find your request inrun/debug configurations,Search Everywhere, andRun Anything, you can give it a name. Type a name above the request next to###,# @name, or# @name =. ...
I mapped my domain name on GoDaddy to my static website on Azure and this is the feedback I got. The request URI is invalid. HttpStatusCode: 400 ErrorCode: InvalidUri RequestId : 5f4500db-f01e-00ee-671f-930e73000000 TimeStamp :…