OS Version: Steps to Reproduce: If you try to open a repository with the named "{...}.com" on vscode.dev, it will cause the following error. "The request is blocked." Service unavailable - 403 👍2👀1 Activity vs-code-engineeringassigned lszomoruon Feb 4, 2025 lszomoru commented...
Accessing onedrive personal from X.X.X.X range is being blocked with error below: The request is blocked. Ref A: F1291C91A2BD407E8BBAE377871C8D0A Ref B: LON21EDGE1112 Ref C: 2024-07-04T08:21:45Z We are ISP/MSP and most of our customer are on this range and getting the ...
As of VS 17.1.4, when VS tries to navigate to help online, it gets “The request is blocked” error in my default browser (Microsoft Edge). The same link works if I copy it into Google Chrome or into an Edge InPrivate window. Similar to bobv, I can’t even go...
跨域问题:是浏览器自带的保证同源的安全策略,即:该页面下的js请求只能是同协议,同IP,同端口(CROS标准),其中有一个不同,就是跨域问题。 后端:使用.net core,需要在Startup.cs的Configure函数中添加以下: app.UseCors(builder =>builder.AllowAnyMethod() //允许任何方法//.AllowAnyOrigin().SetIsOriginAllowed(...
When using the api, I encounter this error: Error refreshing session body { font-family:Arial; margin-left:40px; }img { border:0 none; }#content { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto }#message h2 { font-size: 20p...
原因分析: 通过查看浏览器调试 console 日志,得到报错如下 原文: Mixed Content: The page at https://* was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint http://*. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS ...
Hi, actually we are not able to access portal.azure.com from our corporate Network. Outside our corporate Network it is possible to access, but not within. Our Firewall is not blocking, Cookies are empty, same with different browser, we have no proxy.…
堵塞(blocked) 由于某种原因导致正在运行的线程让出CPU并暂停自己的执行,即进入堵塞状态。 正在睡眠:用sleep(long t) 方法可使线程进入睡眠方式。一个睡眠着的线程在指定的时间过去可进入就绪状态。 正在等待:调用wait()方法。(调用motify()方法回到就绪状态) ...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":3290205,"subject":"VBA Context Help Blocked - \"The Request is Blocked\"","id":"message:3290205","revisionNum":3,"repliesCount":9,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1368385"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"_...