What happens is that the viewer makes a request to your custom domain my-app.domain.com and its client sets the Host header to my-app.domain.com and therefore in both cases the origin server is searching to find the certificate for that domain to establish the connecti...
In addition to modelling mobile forces as “aimpoint facilities” (see:https://www.warfaresims.com/?p=1159), it is now possible to explicitly model individual vehicles with their own customized properties such as armor, propulsion, mounts, sensors etc. The new-style ground units have unlock...
A Message Queue administrator can prevent a connection factory’s properties from being overridden by specifying that the object beread-only when placing it in the object store. The properties of such a factory cannot be changed in any way, whether with the-Doption from the command line or us...
In many cases you will be able to interoperate with CNG data without any trouble, though in some cases the .NET Framework cryptography classes use inappropriate default algorithm properties that may force you to do some troubleshooting. The trick is to match every single key property between CNG...
1__add_devfile_plugin_editor_component_cpu_limit_request.sql 2023-01-26 19:43:55,333[main] [INFO ] [o.f.c.i.command.DbMigrate 44] - Migrating schema "public" to version - 2__add_devfile_plugin_editor_component_ram_request.sql 2023-01-26 19:43:55,340[main] [INFO ]...
Event ID 16can also be useful when troubling scenarios where a service ticket request failed because the account did not have an AES key. Do’s and Don’ts of RC4 disablement for Kerberos Encryption Types That was a lot of information on a complex topic. Here...
所以你只能通过AddHttpClient方法在ASP.NET Core的DI容器中注册IHttpClientFactory。然后再想办法获取已注册接口的实例。 有一种方式是借助WebHost类的Services属性,它的IServiceProvider类型的值具有GetService方法,可以获取实例。 另一种方式是借助HttpContext的RequestServices属性,一样可以获取实例。
使用request.uploadFile上传文件后,没有回调可以获取到服务器返回的message信息,不能明确知道文件是否上传成功 fs接口写文件,两次调用,第二次写入的内容比第一次写入的内容少,导致第二次写入的内容没有完全覆盖第一次内容,合理吗 从FilePicker返回的图片地址uri是不是只是在一定的时间内有访问权限 使用fs.readTex...
Spent too many years(!) thinking I was doing something wrong here, finally spent some time to debug the postman produced token and realized same issue (scope parameter =/= resource) Workaround from@jkewley https://lnx.azurewebsites.net/postman-pre-request-script-for-azure-rest-api-client-cred...
importsoftware.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.CreateDomainRequest;importsoftware.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.CreateDomainResponse;importsoftware.amazon.awssdk.services.opensearch.model.OpenSearchException;// snippet-end:[opensearch.java2.create_domain.import]/** * Before runn...