The Republic of Burundi, a small landlocked nation, is situated at a distinctive geographical juncture between the African Great Lakes region and Southeast Africa. Burundi’s location within the Great Rift Valley produces a varied terrain with mountains, plateaus, lowlands, and Lake Tanganyika‘s ...
五十六回-【非洲布隆迪】-布隆迪共和国(The Republic of Burundi) 布隆迪共和国(The Republic of Burundi),简称布隆迪,位于非洲中东部赤道南侧。北与卢旺达接壤,东、南与坦桑尼亚交界,西与刚果(金)为邻,西南濒坦噶尼喀湖。境内多高原和山地,大部由东非大裂谷东侧高原构成,全国平均海拔1600米,有“山国”之称,国土面...
布隆迪共和国(The Republic of Burundi),布隆迪处于非洲的一个小国家,那里的人们主要靠贩卖水果赚点差价,一辆自行车就算得上是豪华运输工具。他们的运输生活真的感觉是用命在换钱。自行车的时速能达到60公里每小时。下陡坡的过程中根本不敢捏刹车。因为摩擦可能导致爆胎。 L正式预告的微博视频 ...
Related to The Republic of Burundi: BurundianBurundi Bu·run·di (bo͝o-ro͞on′dē, -ro͝on′-) A country of east-central Africa with a coastline on Lake Tanganyika. It was inhabited originally by the Twa, a Pygmy people, and later also by Hutus and Tutsis, the latter gaining ...
#非洲# 布隆迪(The Republic of Burundi)位于非洲中东部赤道南侧。北与卢旺达接壤,东、南与坦桑尼亚交界,西与刚果(金)为邻,西南濒坦噶尼喀湖。布隆迪是过境签,卢旺达与布隆迪陆路口岸只能拿到三日过境签,且...
使馆全称:布隆迪共和国驻华大使馆 使馆俗称:布隆迪大使馆、布隆迪驻华大使馆 英文名称:Embassy of the Republic of Burundi 所在城市:北京 使馆地址:光华路25号(No. 25, Guang Hua Lu) 使馆电话:010-65321801、65322328 使馆传真:010-65322381 使馆邮件 目前布隆迪官方目前只在北京设立了大使馆...
Define Republic of Brazil. Republic of Brazil synonyms, Republic of Brazil pronunciation, Republic of Brazil translation, English dictionary definition of Republic of Brazil. Brazil A country of eastern South America. The largest country in the continent
此外,还有许多其他非洲国家,如:乌干达共和国(The Republic of Uganda)卢旺达共和国(The Republic of Rwanda)布隆迪共和国(The Republic of Burundi)布基纳法索(Burkina Faso)尼日尔共和国(République du Niger)尼日利亚联邦共和国(Federative Republic of Nigeria)等。这些国家各有其独特的文化和历史,值得一...
Burundi(bəro͞onˈdē), officially Republic of Burundi, republic (2020 est. pop. 11,890,000), 10,747 sq mi (27,834 sq km), E central Africa. It borders on Rwanda in the north, on Tanzania in the east, on Lake Tanganyika in the southwest, and on Congo (Kinshasa) in the ...
Define Republic of China. Republic of China synonyms, Republic of China pronunciation, Republic of China translation, English dictionary definition of Republic of China. Noun 1. Republic of China - a government on the island of Taiwan established in 1949