Episode list The Repair Shop Most recent Mon, Dec 30, 2024 S16.E7 Favourite Fixes: 7 Narrator Bill Paterson reminisces about four favourite art keepsakes from the past, including a pair of 1970s pop art boots so funky even Elton John grabbed himself a pair. Rate Top-rated Tue, Dec 19,...
The Repair Shop: Con Jay Blades, Bill Paterson, William Kirk, Dominic Chinea. Some of Britain's most skilled restoration experts breathe new life into much-cherished family heirlooms that are dropped off by members of the public, who reveal the personal
The Repair Shop S11.E37All episodes Cast & crew IMDbProAll topicsA Victorian diablo, a telescope & a pair of dancing shoes Episode aired Oct 17, 2023 YOUR RATING RateDocumentaryReality TV The experts revive a battered Victorian diablo in the hope it can be used again, and a telescope in ...
Radio Expert Mark Stuckey has a job on his hands repairing a 1930s portable radio, horologist Steve Fletcher leads a team of experts in the restoration of an old grandfather clock and master saddler Suzie Fletcher takes on the repair of a battered Mah Jong case.—Steve Crook <steve@brainsto...
模式名称:《The Repair Shop》(译为修理店) 模式类型:明星改造真人秀 模式来源:BBC 首播时间:2017年3月27日 播出状态:第三季正在播出 每期时长: 30分钟左右 制作地区:英国 节目内容: 每期3组委托人前往修理店委托维修各自的老物件,每个老物件都与他们的家族历史或个人情感有关,是委托人所珍视且对他们而...
The Repair Shop 2019 紀錄片 Documentary 珍爱的传家古董如有破损,损失的远不仅仅是金钱,更重要的是对先祖对家人的怀念。英国乡间的修理店修补古老物件,每件旧物后面都有一个感人的亲情故事。(简介摘自猛犸君侯) 已看 影片资料 导演: 主演: 地区:英国 ...
累计票房 暂无 猫眼电影>电影>The Repair Shop 介绍 演职人员 奖项 图集 剧情简介 Drama about a former member of a covert government agency who turns the table on his pursuers and former colleagues. 影片资料 技术参数 48分钟 预告片 暂无预告片...
Since then, people across the country have been donating money. They learned about the repair shop from the film. They want to help support it. Money Makes Music The donations will be used to hire more people. They will...
BBC老物件修复纪录片《古董修理店》第6季 BBC老物件复纪录片《古董修理店 The Repair Shop》讲述一支由木工、画工和机械师组成的英国匠人团队利用自己精湛的技艺让古旧损坏物品重现生机的故事。这档节目的聚焦点在于匠人们如何妙手回春的将带有历史感的老物件焕然一新,赋予它们新的生命力,堪称英国民间版《我在故宫修...
BBC老物件修复纪录片《古董修理店》第7季 BBC老物件复纪录片《古董修理店 The Repair Shop》讲述一支由木工、画工和机械师组成的英国匠人团队利用自己精湛的技艺让古旧损坏物品重现生机的故事。这档节目的聚焦点在于匠人们如何妙手回春的将带有历史感的老物件焕然一新,赋予它们新的生命力,堪称英国民间版《我在故宫修...