as the Repair Shop experts share their tips on restoring and conserving, reveal their favourite tools, and provide a series of small, manageable projects that help tackle the most common problems that occur in their given medium. Their book, like the show it accompanies, with help you safeguard...
【中商原版】修理店:制造与修理手册 英文原版 The Repair Shop: A Make Do and Mend Handbook Karen Farrington 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:5元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 货源地;发货地 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(52) 质量很好(45) 物流很快(17) ...
All parts meet or exceed original equipment specifications. Our expertise makes your products completely ready to work with perfect new parts installation and repair. Book Service Request Shop The Best Products We have a wide range of Audio and Video products from the most popular and trusted Brand...
and in one unfortunate moment all came cascading off in one go. On hand to help repair this ultimate jigsaw puzzle is the barn's ceramic expert Kirsten with help from woodwork whizz Will. The next challenge is for the Repair Shop's book-binding specialist Chris. Mother and daughter Kathryn...
Against the background of yet more evidence of the low standing of vocational education and training in the English education system (Owen 2018), it is refreshing, if a little surprising, to learn that the BBC series, The Repair Shop, is amongst the currently most popular programmes on ...
【BBC:修理店丨BBC:The Repair Shop】【第二集】英国人修文物系列。木工,画工和机械师组成匠人团队,他们妙手回春让具有历史感的物品重现光彩, 本集修复的是幻灯机和老式电话机,他们不仅保留和修复那些古旧物品,更让物品背后的故事再现生机。链接: O网页链接 密码: 1pbp 【不定期更新系列】 ...
In "the repair shop",a British television series,craftsmen(工匠)mend family heirlooms(传家宝)that viewers have brought to their workshop.The attraction comes from watching them apply their craft to restore these heirlooms and the emotional appeal from the tears that follow when the owner is pres...
今天冷眼君推荐的是英国电视台BBC 2017年推出的一档生活服务类真人秀《The Repair Shop》,这档节目以纪录片的拍摄手法讲述一支由木工、画工和机械师组成的英国匠人团队利用自己精湛的技艺让古旧损坏物品重现生机的故事。这档节目已播出两季,目前正在播出全新的第三季。
网络释义 1. 美体小铺 T 菲诗小铺(The Fexpert Shop) 美体小铺(The repair shop)树语(Tree La recentg) 田缘舞沙丁家宜(Tjoy) 东瀛之花(Tayio)塔莉卡(T…|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,美体小铺 更多例句筛选 1. nbsp; A woman got a dent in her car and took it in to the re...
BBC纪录片《#修理店##The Repair Shop# 》第四季第一集下载地址: 珍爱的传家古董如有破损,损失的远不仅仅是金钱,更重要的是对先祖对家人的怀念。英国乡间的修理店修补古老物件,每件旧...