“Team” shall mean Dallas Basketball Limited, holder of the Dallas Mavericks franchise, a professional NBA basketball team. “You” or “Your” shall mean the person or entity that is entering into this Agreement as the registered Game Ticket holder, and, with respect to sections 2, 4, 5,...
600 Commerce reviews the Dallas Court of Appeals' commercial litigation opinions. It is published by David Coale, leader of the appellate practice at Lynn Pinker Hurst & Schwegmann.
When Francis Bacon said the remedy is worse than the disease, he wasn’t thinking of metastatic tongue cancer, where both disease and remedy are horrific in their own nightmarishly unique ways. Right now I’m facing a related dilemma, in that my cancer is aggressive and incurable, but the...
Posted on September 27, 2022Author National Law ForumCategories Entertainment Law, Intellectual Property, Legal News, Media, Sports, TrademarksTags basketball, brand names, branding, business, dallas mavericks, Intellectual property, IP Law, legal, luka doncic, Marvel, naming rights, NBA, patent regis...
Moreover, there are available Dallas white collar crime defense lawyer tips that help to understand the common […] Read More 8 Reasons Why You Should Travel The World Should you ask me just how many countries I have been to, I will say “Few.” I love to take it slow, as my ...
He suggested that the appropriate remedy for problematic speech might not be a ban but rather counter-speech or a warning label. “Don’t we normally assume that the best remedy for problematic speech is counter speech?” Gorsuch asked. He further noted that TikTok had proposed a solution, ...
In Dallas there are many places open, the best ones are Citizen, Bottled Blonde and Truth and Alibi. In Atlanta there are a few clubs up and running. One of the nicest options is Suite Lounge. The famous Compound is closed down for renovations until further notice. ASIA In Dubai all ...
antisubmarine carrier group antisubmarine close air support antisubmarine minefield antisubmarine operation antisubmarine patrol anti-submarine rocket antisubmarine screen antisubmarine search antisubmarine support operation antisubmarine warfare antisubmarine warfare forces ...
Dallas, Tex: American Heart Association; 1990. 32. Beck J. Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 1995. 33. Robinson LA, Berman JS, Neimeyer RA. Psychotherapy for the treatment of depression: a comprehensive review of controlled outcome research. Psychol Bull....
Define equitably. equitably synonyms, equitably pronunciation, equitably translation, English dictionary definition of equitably. adj. 1. Showing or characterized by equity; just and fair. See Synonyms at fair1. 2. Law a. Of or relating to rights histori