X-23, also known as Laura Kinney, is a formidable mutant in the Marvel Comics universe and a clone of Wolverine. Trained as a highly skilled assassin from a young age, X-23 possesses adamantium claws, superhuman healing abilities, and expert combat skills. Despite her dark past, she...
Arrogant Royal Assassin Honorable Royal Paladin Wandering Royal Swordsman Daybreak Sentinel Embracing Benevolence Genius of the Infinite Library Back Supporting Characters Leon CV|Natsuki Hanae Leon was a Gran Lord and a renowned hero who commanded the Gran Knights during the Ebony Dragon War and ea...
Villanelle is a psychopathic assassin, and Eve is the woman charged with hunting her down. Premiered: April 8, 2018 Number of Episodes: 34 Dig Deeper The Best Characters On 'Killing Eve', Ranked Also ranks #4 on Controversial TV Episodes That Divided The Fanbase Will i like it?...
We are here and then we’re gone, but the wind will always flow; not exactly a belief in reincarnation as much as a approach of It’s all going to be all right; don’t try to fight the wind, allow it to carry you on to whatever lies beyond. But again, that’s a general, cas...
This is, of course, intimately connected to the widespread idea that we live on a prison planet, trapped through karma (ruled by Saturn, god of time), where (unless we elevate our consciousness) we may not be able to escape a soul netor reincarnation cycle – which works by introducing ...
library. A century of volunteers waiting for reincarnation. The first generation is already coming online. But I will not be one of them. Not yet. And neither will Elisabeth. A true upload requires a maximum-resolution subneural scan, and such a scan is invariably fatal. That means ...
The Genius Assassin Who Takes It All like 182,591 UP Comedy Cinderella Boy like 523,637 UP Romance How to Hold His Leash like 122,693 UP Comedy Paperteeth! like 1.1M UP Horror Don't Read This like 1.4M UP Fantasy My Husband Changes Every Night like 2.1M UP Action ...
The Genius Assassin Who Takes It All like 154,937 HIATUS Romance Honey Lemon like 1.2M NEW Drama The Worst Villainess like 75,370 Comedy Weeb vs. Jock like 109,068 Comedy Cinderella Boy like 480,794 Horror Don't Read This like 1.4M Comedy Paperteeth! like 1M Action Savior...
Oppenheimner is an ambitious and complex 3-hour film about the man who lead the immense wartime Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb. It skillfully shows his scientific genius and that of his quantum physics recruits; his complicated personal life and related ethical dilemmas; and the int...
d better see them," he continued, "When they came out, I thought, ‘I’ve never seen Deep Purple, but this is what it must have felt like to see Deep Purple in their prime, rocking up a storm.’” Iron Maiden were so good that Dickinson saw a potential new path for his future ...