2. Three Reform Bills 三个改革法案 Between 1832 and 1884 three Reform Bills were passed. 1832年至1884年间通过了三个改革法案。 The Reform Act of 1832, also called the Greater Charter of 1832, 1832年的《改革法案》也称为1832年的大宪章 abolished rotten boroughs 废除了衰败选区, and redistribu...
1832年的《改革法案》和《新贫困法》引起了普遍不满。 dict.bioon.com 3. It is true that Palmer thought the Reform Act of 1832 was a thoroughly bad thing. 诚然,帕尔默认为1832年的《改革法案》乃一有百害无一利之物。 www.ecocn.org 4. He fought tirelessly for the Reform Act of 1867 which ...
When Wellington's government fell in November 1830, and the Whigs, led by Earl Grey, came into office, they were committed to a reform of Parliament. The spectacular features of this reform were to be the redistribution of seats and the extension of the franchise, and these are the ones ...
The 1832 Reform Act was a watershed in the history of modern Britain, profoundly affecting the composition of parliament and the course of all subsequent legislation. This new edition of The Great Reform Act of 1832 extends and updates Eric J. Evans's classic account of the crucial political ...
So Why is it called the GREAT Reform Act? It was the first of its kind – it was a beginning – a first step towards democracy The old Tory argument that the British Constitution was an organic living thing which could be killed if pruned had been proven false. ...
1832改革法案(the Reform Act of 1832,关于选举系统的变革)后,失望情绪使大批劳工运参与者寄望于合作社运动。然而他们没能建立起有效的政治策略和领导层,加上雇主和官员有系统的攻击,这类运动结束于1834–6年间。失败后,社会主义支持者们转向宣传和教育工作。因而人民宪章运动,虽然意识形态上没有那么先进,但政治上更...
对于前者,1851年建成的水晶宫(见图1)虽于1936年 被烧毁,却流芳百世;对于后者,1832年的Reform Act(1832年改革法案)在历史上留下 了深刻的烙印,并直接推动了之后西方的民主化进程。就是在这个时期,人类进入了“现代”,大英帝国因此也被某些学者称为Motherland of Modern(“现代”的发源地)。随后工业化和民主化在...
The supplement to the Reform Act of 1832: being a proposal for the extension of the representation without lowering the qualification for the elective franchise, in a letter to the electors of the United Kingdom 来自 onacademic.com 喜欢 0 阅读量: 13 作者:...
In the last few years of his life Coleridge commented on the debates over, and the terms of the Representation of the People Act that was passed in 1832. It will be noted from the extracts printed below that Coleridge was not hostile to the idea of parliamentary reform as such; the conce...
How they stopped the revolution Vernon Bogdanor enjoys this account of how the 1832 Reform Act paved the way for universal suffrage - and maybe just stopped a revolution Reform! The Fight for the 1832 Reform Act by Edward Pearce Jonathan Cape, pounds 20, 333 pp pounds 18 ( pounds 2.25 p...