More:Engadget,Refinery29,Re/codeandUncrate Quentin Hardy /NYT Bits: Quora is likely to “put ads with its answers” in 2015 to capitalize on evergreen traffic— Quora and the Search for Truth — The Internet has a nagging problem: There is lots of information, but often confusion about wha...
(Group Source) Marten Law: CA Court Rejects Refinery Plan for Failure to Quantify GHG Impacts Marten Law: California Unveils Nation's First Economy-Wide Cap-and-Trade Program Marten Law: Cap-&-Trade Programs' Recommendations to Standardize Offset Programs Marten Law: CEQ's Draft NEPA Guidance ...
More: Mokriya - Quora, Refinery29, Engadget and Re/code Vernon Silver / Businessweek: Unlocked iPhones Are Hard Currency in Brazil, Italy, Other Countries — I've been paying my bills with iPhones. Not with apps or on bank sites—I've been using the Apple (AAPL) hardware as currency....
or maybe "merci" cuz he tells me he's learned all these french songs and is singing them much. 'pert-near three and we follow mike past all the foul refinery grossness on the way to where he lives in la porte, on the gulf of mexico. man, what a blighted slough of smells, steel...