insert一条数据事务开始,redo log buffer成功刷新到redo log file上,这时commit,等待在binlog cache写入到binlog的时候发生crash,因为这个时候redo log落盘成功,在实例恢复的时候,对应的insert的数据被恢复出来,但是这是binlog没有对应insert数据的记录,如果备份binlog,在以后进行恢复的时候,就会少一个这时候存在于数据...
The path and file name of the redo log file. START_LSN The log sequence number of the first block in the redo log file. END_LSN The log sequence number after the last block in the redo log file. SIZE_IN_BYTES The size of the redo log data in the file, in bytes. Data s...
last available redo log file is filled, LGWR returns to the first redo log file and writes to it, starting the cycle again.Figure 9-1illustrates the circular writing of the redo log file. The numbers next to each line indicate the sequence in which LGWR writes to each redo log file. ...
当遇到“the transaction log file is corrupted”(事务日志文件已损坏)的问题时,这通常意味着InnoDB存储引擎的事务日志(redo log)出现了故障,可能影响到数据库的正常运行、数据一致性以及可能的数据恢复。以下是解决此类问题的一般步骤: 停止服务: 首先,立即停止MySQL服务以防止进一步写入或使用受损的日志文件,避免情况...
Starting with MySQL 5.6 (WL#6494), you can change the number and size of the redo log files at startup. Before that, InnoDB complained if the file sizes did not agree with the configuration. With best regards, Marko Mäkelä
5.编辑my.cnf 来改变log file 配置 6.再次启用MySQL 服务器, mysqld 没有InnoDB LOG 文件存在 在启动的时候,创建新的redo logs 在MySQL 5.6.8, innodb_fast_shutdown 不在设置相关值当改变InnoDB log files的数量或者大小。 此外,你不需要删除老的redo log files,尽管你仍旧需要拷贝它们到安全的地方作为百分...
A brief blocking of logging activities on the server is applied, formysqlbackupto collect logging-related information like the current InnoDB LSN, binary log position, GTID, replication source or replica status, and so on. The redo log files not yet copied before, as well as all the metadata...
If an online redo log file of a group is lost, the database remains in operation. Oracle then uses the remaining member (or members) of this group to log the database changes. In such a case, you must recover the original mirroring of the online redo log files as quickly as possible...
A redo log file is corrupted while the database is open; as a consequence, database operations are stopped because archiving cannot continue. What would you do to solve the problem?() A. clear the redo log group...
You can use BRARCHIVE to back up the offline redo log files using RMAN, either with the SAP backup library or with an external backup library. This is available starting with SAP Web Application Server Release 6.10. The advantage is that the data in the offline redo log files during the RM...