今天分享英文绘本 《The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry,and the big hungry bear》 (小老鼠,红草莓和大饿熊),1984年首次出版至今,被全世界数百万儿童所认识和喜爱,这本书也在廖彩杏老师学英语的书单中。这本书的大意就是:小老鼠摘了一颗又大又红的草莓,“我”在旁边低声说“有一只饥饿的大熊...
The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear 小老鼠,红草莓和大饿熊 Hello,little Mouse. 小老鼠你好呀, What are you doing? 你在做什么呢? Oh,I see. 哦!我知道啦! Are you going to pickthat ...
但是,小老鼠,你听说过大饿熊吗? Ohhh, how that Bear loves red, ripe strawberries! 啊哦,那只大饿熊可喜欢吃熟透的红草莓啦! The big, hungry Bear can smell a red, ripe strawberry a mile away... 那只大饿熊可以在一英...
今天要讲的是由美国一对绘本界的黄金夫妻档Audrey Wood 与 Don Wood 夫妇所创作的The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear《小老鼠、红草莓和大饿熊》。 小老鼠采到了一个大大的红草莓,它会保护好自己的红草莓不被大饿熊吃掉吗?快来和大雪阿姨一起来看看吧!
The big, hungry Bear can smell a red, ripe strawberry a mile away...那只大饿熊可以在一英里以外的地方,就能闻到熟透的红草莓香气哦~Especially, one that has just been picked.尤其是刚刚摘下来的新鲜红草莓。BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The Bear will tromp through the forest on his big, hungry feet, and...
The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear | 小老鼠、红草莓和大饿熊 点击 查看音频视频 Hello, little Mouse. What are you doing? 嗨,小老鼠,你在做什么? Oh, I see. Are you going to pick that red, ripe strawberry? 噢,我明白了,你要摘这颗又红又熟的草莓是吧?
《The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear》是Childs Play Intl Ltd出版的图书,作者是Wood, Don, Wood, Don (ILT)内容简介 First published in 1984, a picture book in which the Little Mouse will do all he can to save his strawberry f...
绘本《The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear》,Child’s Play 绘本内容 The Little Mouse and the Big Hungry Bear are known and loved by millions of children around the world. Little Mouse loves strawberries, but so does the bear… How will Little Mouse stop the...
Now, that's one red, ripe strawberry the big, hungry Bear will never get!现在,大饿熊将永远也得不到这颗熟透的红草莓啦!【词汇】pick [pɪk] v. 采,摘(花、果);ripe [raɪp] adj. (水果、谷物等)成熟的;mile [maɪl] n. 英里;especially [ɪ&#...