Taking the Red Pill 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 ** COMPLETELY UNAUTHORIZED ** This thought-provoking examination of "The Matrix" explores the technological challenges, religious symbolism, and philosophical dilemmas the film presents. Essays by renowned scientists, technologists, philosophers, sch...
Largest archive of content related to The Red Pill, including /r/TheRedPill, 45+ other Red Pill subreddits, and 39+ Red Pill blogs.
不是同一本 可以看下我这两个文章 泡妞把妹书籍PDF下载The Rational Male(理性的男性) - 大鱼的文章...
the two accounts differ in the stylistic presentation of this ideology. The name of the first TikTok account (Lookism.tiktok) demonstrates the focus on the issue of lookism, stating in the account’s description “Looks determine your dating life as a man. Fuck the redpill ...
The style of self-improvement that these posters advocate is often referred to as taking the iron pill—one of many derivatives of the term ‘red pill.’ The ‘truths’ behind the iron pill, broadly, are that civilisation is becoming decadent and collapsing, and that a return to masculine ...
Let me reiterate: the elixir makes the Great Sage’s organslao(牢), or “solid” or “firm,” like an “unbreakable” prison (dictionary), and it also makes his skin and bonesgu(固), or “solid” or “firm” like a four-sided structure (dictionary). Therefore, the pill essentially ...
This report demonstrates that pillbugs have a 3 Mb genome insert from the endosymbiont Wolbachia that appears to function as a novel female-determining sex chromosomal region. CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Stouthamer, R., Russell, J. E., Vavre, F. & Nunney, L. Intragenomic ...
IanPipCarter, whose career started in Cambridge in the early Sixties as pill pusher, had to fight a heroine addiction for most of his life. After a visit to his friend (and employer) David Gilmour in Greece Pip was imprisoned for drug possession where he was forced to go cold turkey but...
他本身也回学校研读行为心理学,因为他的生活关係让他对这门学问很感兴趣,同时间他也在两千年初开始在网路上写文章,在知名的PUA论坛SoSauve网站打滚,在当时大家还没有Red Pill (红药丸)这个名词,虽然当时他们就已经开始聊起这东西了,Red Pill是后来出现的名词。在他著名的著作The Rational Male 裡面有提到红药丸...
working the Red Sand array trap (larger version). The woodblock print omits the three buckets. Image from The Newly Printed, Zhong Bojing Annotated, Investiture of the Gods(Xinke Zhong Bojing xiansheng piping Fengshen yanyi, 新刻鍾伯敬先生批評封神演義, c. 1620). See page 42 ofthis PDF....