This freaky film series comes full circle with the fifth entry, titled Insidious: The Red Door. Lambert patriarch Patrick Wilson makes his directorial debut here, returning to the story threads that were left dangling two full franchise entries ago, at the end of 2013's Insidious: Chapter 2...
by Daniel Kurland Meghann Fahy Joins Rose Byrne in New Series 'The Good Daughter,' Replacing Another Actress 12/20/2024 by Just Jared Just Jared Rose Byrne and Meghann Fahy Inherit Peacock’s ‘The Good Daughter’ After Jessica Biel’s Exit ...
Insidious: The Red Door, as promised, released its trailer to the masses this morning.The Red DoorstarsPatrick Wilson, Ty Simpkins, andRose Byrne. Wilson will make his directorial debut with this film, working from a script byHalloween KillswriterScott Teamsfrom a story by the writer of the...
This week, I finishedZero Time Dilemma, the third and presumably final game in the Zero Escape series, and it got me thinking about one of my favorite subjects: the difficulty of pacing in games. Zero Escape isn’t the most niche series, but it’s fairly obscure so I’ll go through a...
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StudioCanal’s Red Production Company has secured the rights to Boy In The Striped Pyjamas author John Boyne’s latest novel The Echo Chamber, with Boyne set to adapt as a 10 x 30-minute series.Red said the deal took place following a “highly competitive auction” for the book, which has...
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Red Door: Directed by William Stefan Smith. With Vince Staples, Andrea Ellsworth, Pharaoh Singleton, Tiberius Byrd. At a theme park, a mission turns into a misadventure for Vince, who encounters a menacing mascot; Deja gets into a heated argument at the
Kun-Sae, arms still tied, banging his head against a series of electrical switches on the wall. A truly bizarre sight. KI-TEK What the hell are you doing? KUN-SAE Mr. Park is home. This is my welcome home ritual. Above Kun-Sae, Ki-Tek sees a tall, open space. The hollow...
Beverly Hills, CA . The lasting influence of Disney artistwill be celebrated through an examination of her concept artwork for “Cinderella,”“Alice in Wonderland” and “Peter Pan” in the 1950s during “Mary Blair.s World of Color: A Centennial Tribute,” the latest installment of the Ac...