He has sustained a wound, too: his "red badge of courage," a wound left by the butt of a rifle striking him in the head. Determined to become a hero, Henry leads a charge in battle. When the Union forces win the battle, he's declared a hero, just like he wanted....
The Red Badge of Courage,by the American,Stephen Crane,tells about a young soldier in the War between the States who runs away the first time he is in battle. This article is about the book "The Red Badge of Courage".For the film of the same name,see The Red Badge of Courage (film...
To link to this The Red Badge of Courage Summary page, copy the following code to your site: <a href="https://www.softschools.com/literature/summary/the_red_badge_of_courage/">The Red Badge of Courage Summary</a> Educational Videos More Topics Handwriting Spanish Facts Examples ...
当他接任旗手时,亨利正在保护所有将他世界联系在一起的象征。 【参考资料】Stephen Crane(斯蒂芬·克莱恩)《The Red Badge of Courage》《红色英勇勋章》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
Need help with Chapter 6 in Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.
Need help with Chapter 10 in Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.
'The Red Badge of Courage' by Stephen Crane is a story of one soldier's thoughts and emotions during two days of brutal fighting during the Civil War. This lesson covers the summary, characters, and setting of that novel. The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane wrote his most lauded work...
《红色英勇勋章》(The Red Badge of Courage)是美国作家史蒂芬·克莱恩(Stephen Crane)创作的一部战争题材小说。故事发生在美国南北战争时期,描绘了一个普通士兵亨利在战场上所经历的种种磨难。小说以独特的视角和寓意丰富的象征手法,展现了战争的残酷和个人勇气的价值。 【二、主人公及其性格特点】 故事的主人公亨利...
街头女郎梅季》(Maggie,1893)是自费出版的。在以《红色英勇勋章》(The Red Badge of Courage, 1895)成名前,很少有人注意那部处女作。他短促的一生最后几年行踪无定,在墨西哥报界工作过,曾去古巴采访(1896),在希腊和古巴当过战地记者,在英国度过一段热热闹闹的乡村生活,最后因肺病死於德国。