The dissolved yttrium (Y) and rare earth element (REE) concentrations of seawater samples collected along a north-south hydrological transect within the Bay of Bengal (BoB) have been analyzed to estimate contributions of the Ganges and Brahmaputra (G-B) river inputs to the dissolved REE ...
Ecological concepts have, indeed, been misused in anthropology.However, their misuse has occurred not because such concepts are inherently inapplicable to human communities, but rather because they have largely been applied incorrectly.For the most part, ecological concepts have been extended to human c...
A strike-slip fault striking NNW-SSE and extending for 60 km has been identified in the meizoseismal zone of the 1905 Kangra earthquake in the Kangra town and has been named as Kangra Valley Fault (KVF) (Malik et al.2015) (Fig.2a). The discontinuous active fault traces in Kangra Valley...
Role of subsurface layer temperature inversion in cyclone induced warming in the northern Bay of Bengal. Dynam. Atmos. Oceans 2023, 103, 101389. [Google Scholar] Vitasse, Y.; Klein, G.; Kirchner, J.W.; Rebetez, M. Intensity, frequency and spatial configuration of winter temperature ...
Determining the optimal granularity, which has often been ignored in the analysis of urban expansion and its landscape pattern, is the core problem in landscape ecology research. Here, we calculate the optimal granularities for differently sized cities in the Huaihe River Basin of China based on sc...