How strange, the layman may say, and how very convenient for the defendant, that this alleged state of dissociation descended on him at the very moment when he had reason for evading the police, or when he was face to face with a person whom he had a strong motive for attacking. The ...
Traduction de l’hébreu, introduction et annotation,Les dixparoles, Lagrasse:Verdier,2004.Morla Asensio, Víctor,Eclesiástico.TextoyComentario, El Mensaje del AntiguoTestamento20, Estella (Navarra):Verbo Divino et al., 1992.Petraglio, Renzo, Il libro che contaminalemani. Ben Sirarileggeillibroel...
In the spring of 1829 a shocking story appeared in the press. Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov, the former member of Paskevich’s staff who had delivered the signed copy of the Treaty of Turkmanchay to Nicholas I, and was then sent back to Tehran as...
2. The benefit of the present provision may not, how- ever, be claimed by a refugee whom there are reasona- ble grounds for regarding as a danger to the security of the country in which he is, or who, having been con- victed by a final judgment of a particularly serious crime, ...
She explained that this was also the reason why she lied to the police on a number of occasions during the investigation. avait e´te´ roue´ de coups et e´tait de´ja` mort. Elle a appele´ les garc¸ons et leur a demande´ ce qui s'e´tait passe´. Elle a ...
Focusing on the relation between devotion to the suffering Christ and the progress of mass, rather than on the more formal expositiones missae, the essay targets the spirituality of mass attendance, what Bernard Chédozeau in 1996 regarded as “une autre forme de traduction par l’esprit” of...