the real world. Metropolis’ computer vision enables “checkout-free” payment for drivers and revenue-generating operations for real estate owners. You just drive in. Then just drive out. We handle the rest. No searching for cash, fumbling for a credit card, or reaching for a ticket ...
the real world. Metropolis’ computer vision enables “checkout-free” payment for drivers and revenue-generating operations for real estate owners. You just drive in. Then just drive out. We handle the rest. No searching for cash, fumbling for a credit card, or reaching for a ticket ...
Metropolis, IL - Official Hometown of Superman For over two decades now, the small vill(ag)e of Metropolis, Illinois, has welcomed tourists and curiosity seekers to the one-and-only home of the comic book hero. Jerry Siegel Childhood Home - Glenville, OH ...
5) World Association of Metropolises 世界大都市协会6) world market 世界市场 1. Through an investigation of the coastal cities of the Altantic Ocean, the author argues that the establishment of a real world market for the changing world environment and the nations interests are the most ...
“European” values through collaborative, internationalist, and integrative mechanisms by respecting nations and national communities worldwide. In this context, devolution matters insofar as “devolutionary” claims could increasingly “Europeanise” the regional political agenda through multi-level governance...
Henderson, Tony.Disorderly Women in Eighteenth-Century London. Prostitution and Control in the Metropolis, 1730−1830 Häkkinen, Antti. “Maksettua rakkautta. Prostituutiokulttuuria Helsingissä 1860-luvulta nykypäivään.” InHuono-osaisuus ja hyvinvointivaltion muutos, edited by Matti Heik...
The urban condition: People and policy in the metropolis. An effort is made to attack the problems of "megalopolis" at their roots, since they cannot be fragmented. The crises of the urban environment are the cris... LJ Duhl - 《Urban Condition People & Policy in the Metropolis》 被引量...
And, with a flat fare of just five pesos (around $0.25c) per trip, there’s no cheaper or quicker way to get around this vast metropolis. Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Many of Asia’s great cities have benefited from lessons learned by the early subway builders in Europe and North ...
butAction#1 sold beyond all expectations. Superman perfectly personified the superhero as defined today: a heroic character with an altruistic mission who possesses superpowers, wears a defining costume, and functions in the “real world” in his or heralter ego. Superman would soon have many su...