2017 年,记者大卫·华莱士 - 威尔斯(David Wallace-Wells)为《纽约》(New York)杂志撰写了一篇长文,描述了全球变暖令人惊恐的影响。尽管大部分科学家批评该文夸大其词且具有误导性,但这位记者还是围绕这一论点写了一本书,以《不宜居的地球》(The Uninhabitable Earth)为名出版,并畅销全球。该书大言不惭地危言耸听...
Upfromthemysticplayofshadowstwiningandtwistingasifthey werealive, Outfromthepatchesofbriersandblackberries, Fromthememoriesofthebirdthatchantedtome, Fromyourmemoriessadbrother,fromthefitfulrisingsandfallingsIheard, Fromunderthatyellowhalf-moonlate-risenandswollenasifwithtears, Fromthosebeginningnotesofyearningandlov...
The global village is getting smaller – the longest distance between two places on earth has been reduced to a flight of no greater than 24 hours, and our planet is becoming flat – one tap on a mobile phone connects us to the other side of the world in a split second. This is an ...
The Real Middle Earth的剧情简介 ··· A Quest for the Magical Places That Inspired The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings is the most popular work of fiction ever created. It is a tale of epic proportions held together by its unforgettable setting, Middle Ea...
The incredible real-time rendered the 3D Earth on your iPhone or iPad. The powerful Apple Metal engine can make that amazing 3D Earth model and optic effects on…
Souriau, Annie
南宁环球雅思英语培训学校,开设雅思、托福、 大学四六级、考研英语、成人口语、商务英语、SAT等课程培训,精品小班及一对一VIP教学,课程多样,时间灵活!
An archaeologist claims he has found the real kingdom of David in Israel. Five fortified cities may provide the actual proof—but some critics aren't so sure.
A thousand years before the creation of the ancient observatory at Stonehenge, the spiral was a predominant symbol on Earth. Ancient spirals can be found in all parts of the globe. Thousands of ancient spirals such as these can be found all over Europe, North American New Mexico, Utah, Aust...