We take a tumble down history to discover the origins, intriguing meaning and full lyrics of the traditional rhyme.
Not only because it comes from Robert, the most masculine name you can possibly imagine, but also because it was originally a male name, a nickname for Robert, an ancient Germanic name meaning "fame bright". Also, the feminine forms Robyn (spelled with y instead of i) and Robina (with ...
"So whenever Pink Floyd wanted to get arty-farty they only had to hop into the nearest ferry to Calais where they were hauled in as national heroes. One of their sillier projects was to play behind a bunch of men in tights, jumping up and down in an uncoördinated way, and calling t...
will allow you to finally find out what those pesky abbreviations mean. You won't only find abbreviations that are commonly used when talking about the web. There are also medical and governmental terms, all explained for all of us to understand. The site ...
Has it changed in other subtle ways over the years, meaning that you shouldn’t necessarily be even talking about it? I don’t know, but both of these perfumes, at least the ones I have, smell pretty pristine to me and yet I don’t really like either of them especially – feel free...
all explained for all of us to understand. The site is part of a larger network of sites that all have a similar purpose: explaining things to us. There's a site that explains expressions, another one for synonyms, and even one for zip codes. If you're stumped about the meaning of ...
In yesterday’s warning, we saw a glimpse of the“New York City as the new Babylon the Great”predictive programming the Kabbalists put out. And this is particularly important given one of the roles Trump is playing in the“End Times” stageplay: that of the “Moshiach ben Cyrus“, the...
I pulled myself up and stumbled to the bar with my shot-glass in my hand, it had my name painted on it and it was kept behind the bar for me, where I left it every night. I met some really nice people on the barroom floor—a catholic priest, a hardware salesman, a millionaire...
I slipped on a wood shaving and fell on him from behind. I put out my hand to cushion my fall, and it ended up on the back of his head, pushing the pole dancer’s pole into his eye, and penetrating his brain. He died on his way to the hospital. In the commotion I was able ...
diana feels compelled to intervene. leaving her home behind, she becomes wonder woman, fighting alongside men in a war to end all wars. the movie, an action-packed superhero adventure directed by patty jenkins, deftly explores themes of courage and sacrifice while offering a fresh narrative ...