the right hand, or in the middle with the symmetric hand. In the real environment, the user holds onto an exoskeleton (外骨骼) with both arms, which allows for control of the virtual left and right arms. Movement detected by the bel...
I want to run for U.S. Congress and provide real representation to the residents of Wisconsin’s 4thDistrict. My declaration often garners similar reactions. First people say, “Good for you!” Then almost immediately afterwards say, “Why would you want to become part of a group of the ...
Manuscript Number is ‘ljs419’ Italy, of XV century is a typical of the medieval Apuleius herbal. But it has corrupted botanical names of plant on 71r folia. As well as the name of plant ‘Pepeko’ 24r, that is probably is one of the species of peony in real. | P E O N I O...
Even though the sound if it is something quite atrocious, we do really like the wordsupercalifragilisticexpialidocious. This nonsensical word with no real meaning was popularized by the 1964 Disney filmMary Poppinsand is often used by children as an example of a humorously long word. Songwrite...
Grey Seer Thanquol has been feeding real information, half-truths and outright lies to the insane von Halstadt; manipulating him with the ultimate aim of starting a civil war in the Empire. The plot is exposed and von Halstadt killed but Thanquol escapes. Later the same year Thanquol ...
(TV: The Sound of Drums [+]) Missy claimed to know the Doctor's real name from their time together on Gallifrey; she said it was "Doctor Who", and the Doctor had chosen it to be mysterious but dropped the "Who" when he realised it was too on-the-nose. (TV: World Enough and ...
Well, there we are. The evils of the coming days will be phenomenal and accidental. Though they will hurt, they will never be quite solid or real or enduring in the way that the Love, Justice and Mercy of God are, now and forever. We shall not remain silent about the damage, or co...
A bald man in a very long purple coat had actually shaken his hand in the street the other day and then walked away without a word. The weirdest thing about all these people was the way they seemed to vanish the second Harry tried to get a closer look. At school, Harry had no ...
a thought for the stress your author has endured, not knowing with certainty whether or not he will be able to board a flight to paradise tomorrow, or not. Your hand-wringing over a paltry 1.7 million deaths pales into insignificance, when compared with my own very real first-world ...
Things changed forever on September 11, 2001, both in real life and in the world of entertainment. There's a clear line drawn through history; a pre-and-post 9/11 line. The most obvious example of this line is when you watch a film or TV show set in New York. If it was shot pr...