EP 2 Bitches to Rags Thugnificent has seen better days. Auto-tune, rap beef, nothing can stop the IRS when his new album tanks. Faced with the horror of getting a real job, Otis Jenkins takes some pretty desperate measures to stay afloat. Is there life after rap death? EP 3 The Red...
i keep thinking about i kept thinking i cou i ki ma shou i knew it i just knew i knew it i felt real i knew the vow i knew you were likel i know a few i know about propagan i know daddy i know he i know he cares i know him but when i i know his agent i know i cou...
love coming from the love cry love divine all loves love do not dost b th love does not come to love doesnt get older love easy boutique ho love from new york love gift ep love hearts love hurts - nazareth love in the first deg love inappropriate love infant prolactal love is a carefu...
Over 24.5K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 50+ Best Rappers Of The 2000s, Ranked HOW RANKINGS WORK Dive into the nostalgic era of rap music with this compelling list of the best rappers from the 2000s. As the decades transitioned, the rap game did as well, ...
so realistic it makes my insides cringe—but even though the embarrassment is so real that I want to crawl into a hole sometimes, the payoff is worth it. Today’s episode one-ups the mockumentary framing device a laThe Officeand adds emotional pull straight of out ofMisaeng, and makes me...
The lead singer Dana Margolin has stated "And there was a real sense in the room that I was just allowed to feel whatever I was feeling and it was fine, and if I was crying or whatever it was, it was just like, okay, yeah, you can just do that, you don’t have to be or ...
The past couple of years, AJ has been playing locally throughout the Bay Area, and since graduating high school she’s taken some college classes, and is “off and running, away from home, working in the real world of service and people, busking and gigging to help pay rent, as honest...
Real is real 我们是思想的苇草 他们不顾一切蜂拥而上 我不会陪跑 XZT: 乌合之众 一帮乌合之众 天子地面爬行 他们早就习惯侍奉 跟着别人后头轻易被人操控 麻痹的心能否再被这首刺痛 乌合之众 一帮乌合之众 天子地面爬行 他们早就习惯侍奉 跟着别人后头轻易被人操控 麻痹的心能否再被这首刺痛 Zigga: 我记得当我第...
Facing cosmic challenges from without and within, this motley crew of space explorers will boldly go where no comedic drama has gone before.i'll add all requested shows this weekend :) 2017-07-25 thepoperope discuss currently a bit busy in real life.. will add all requested shows this ...
Use rqlite to reliably store your most important data, ensuring it's always available to your applications. If you're interested in understanding how distributed systems actually work, it's a good example to study. A lot of thought has gone into itsdesign, separating storage, consensus, and ...