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This study focused on the clarification of real blanching wastewaters from the industrial processing of cardoon, a plant rich in polyphenols and belonging to the artichoke family (Cynara cardunculus). The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of ultrafiltration (UF) as an initial clari...
overexploitation. However, there has been a reduction in the industrial fishing fleet since the 2000s, supported by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund for transitioning toward sustainable fishing methods. Despite the increase in regulations and the establishment of marine protected areas, these ...
The support available via the internet has some negative aspects, but despite this the vast majority of users experience it as very positive. However, only few studies are able to claim whether or not the virtual interventions on the internet are more effective than interventions 'in real life'...
Due to its ‘artificiality’ the system of canon tables ‘had no basis in the real life of the gospels nor did they leave any room for social engage-ment, for participation in the oral-scribal-oral loop, or for compositional involvement in memorial processes’.16Kelber’s comments on the...
Commodity prices have recently experienced a significant fall. In this piece, we look at the dynamics of real commodity prices and whether there is any long-term trend in the terms of trade of those economies which are most dependent on commodity production.Julián Cubero...
II Bot. 8: 222·48. table 1. Gnapbalium involucratum FORST.F. (Fig. 3) Forster f. 1786, Fl. Ins. Austr. Prodr. 55 non Lamarck 1788. Herbaceum, foliis linearibus elongatis mucronatis subtus tomentosis, capitulo terminali folioso. LECTOTYPE: G. Forster, Nova Zelandia, 1772-5; ...
The real question - to which I have as yet no clear answer - is the following: to what extent was the Jerusalem liturgy a regular or an exceptional ritual, where and when? It was not anchored on a spe-cific date in the Calendarium, unlike the commemoration of the destruction of Jewish...
existence of these settlements, provided they did not occupy valuable land for real estate [12]. The final period started at the end of the 1980s, when migration decreased because the living conditions of these new settlements were not better than in other Peruvian cities, but also because ...
It has been thought that it is possible to address with these techniques and others related the processing of the data currently available for wide spaces, almost in real time to provide information on the issue at hand [97,98,99,100,101,102]. Since the problem studied is observed in ...