Of the 143959 characters on Anime Characters Database, 7 are from the western animation The Real Ghostbusters.
Production Number: 75006 [1986 - ABC Season One] A black cloud falls over the nighttime New York City sky and the Ghostbusters are on the job once again. Ray explains that this is the third night in a row that they've dealt with this same group of ghosts, while Peter says that at ...
The Real Ghostbusters: Mit Maurice LaMarche, Frank Welker, Arsenio Hall, Lorenzo Music Die anhaltenden Abenteuer der Mitarbeiter des Geisterbeseitigungsdienstes.
20:26 The Real Ghostbusters 253 Beneath These Streets 2014-12-09 48:49 黑服物語 EP01 2014-12-09 04:40 AKB48 チームサプライズ バラの儀式公演 M6「幼稚園の先生」 2014-10-11 105:52 義興TRACY姐 The Story Of Tracy 2014-07-27 03:38 人人天使 2014-07-04 00:40 Yngwie Malmsteen - arpe...
“The Real Ghostbusters” logo. (Sony) The series continues the adventures of the quartet of ghost-catching heroes (Egon, Ray, Peter, and Winston) from the original film. While most episodes center around ghosts, the series does try to mix up the types of spirits featured; oneepisodefeatures...
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Now, along with Winston Zeddemore and their 'pet' ghost Slimer, they protect the world from the supernatural - as the Real Ghostbusters! The Ghostbusters are back in action against another horde of horrible haunters, wicked ... (展开全部) 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 ...
The Real Ghostbusters(1986) Michael C. Gross Self (as Michael Gross) Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot(1992) Joe Medjuck Self Ghostbusters(1984) Dan Riba Self Batman Beyond(1999) Gabi Payn Self Conan the Destroyer(1984) Richard Mueller Self (as Richard T. Mueller) ...
Byline: BY MARIE KIERANSThe Mirror (London, England)
The Real Ghostbusters: Clint Orr, Bill Wilder द्वारा निर्देशित. Clint Orr, Harry Valentine, Katie Causey, T.J. Rawls के साथ. When children all over the city begin to disappear and the only suspe