"Little Girl Lost" is the original "Coraline": a story about a young girl who crawls through a tunnel to a parallel dimension.The episode mostly consists of the three adults standing huddled around Tina's room, calling to the invisible girl. When the fourth dimension is finally seen, it'...
Coraline (voiced by Dakota Fanning) is a dark, stop-motion animated fantasy movie adapted from Neil Gaiman's celebrated novel. Coraline, an adventurous girl, discovers a secret door in her new home that leads to an alternate world mirroring her own life but seemingly perfect. However, thi...
This is another fable from Laika, the studio behind stop-motion movies like Coraline. Kubo is known for spinning tales with origami, but, when he accidentally summons an evil spirit, he finds himself in a real adventure of his own. APPLE TV Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 17 Moana (...
From cult horror like "I Saw the Devil" to beloved kids movies like "Coraline," Tubi has something for everyone. 12/27/2024 By Kimber Myers 'The Order' review: Jude Law goes freak mode while chasing neo-Nazis The true story of a white supremacist cult allows "Assassin's Creed" dire...
Coraline 59 votes Coraline (voiced by Dakota Fanning) is a dark, stop-motion animated fantasy movie adapted from Neil Gaiman's celebrated novel. Coraline, an adventurous girl, discovers a secret door in her new home that leads to an alternate world mirroring her own life but seemingly perfect...
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“…If you call it a faithful remake, I think that’s true to say that’s what it is. It’s not a reimagining; the same beats [are there], maybe the scares are a little bit more scary. We haven’t been able to ramp that up quite a lot, obviously, for budgetary reasons. We...
The director of A Nightmare Before Christmas and Coraline finally returned this year with this clever and twisted tale co-written by Oscar winner Jordan Peele. The comedian also co-stars as one of the title characters, the literal demons for a girl who blames herself for the death of her pa...
From cult horror like "I Saw the Devil" to beloved kids movies like "Coraline," Tubi has something for everyone. 12/27/2024 By Kimber Myers The 22 best horror movies of 2024, and where to watch them It's been a scare-filled year. 12/16/2024 By Sam Haysom More in Entertainment...
3Coraline Focus Features The film that was the source of all little kids nightmares. Based on the novel of the same name,Coralinefollows a young girl moving to a new house and her quest for the fantastical. In her search, she discovers a world that is seemingly perfect, but things start...