smart national id car smart object action smart omni viewer smart power selector smart reader smart roadster smart scanner smart sensor interfac smart set smart specific measur smart sponges smart startup manager smart student smart terminals smart tool smart win shellopping smart tough a real ba ...
Unhistogramacon el número de años que se ha dado cada distancia en Copas de Europa. Una tabla donde se muestraen cada momento qué clubes eran los segundosen el palmarés. Otra tabla donde se muestra cuántos años ha sido cada uno de esos el segundo en el palmarés. De momento, y...
For an in-depth social-anthropological discussion of graffiti and prison writing, see Petitjean (2018). Fleming (2020) notes that the study of graffiti makes apparent the contingency of concepts adopted in traditional interpretations of text, starting with “writing” and “art,”“public/private,...
a dog barks a dog in the manager a donde vas a double room garage a down-under has-been a drag on sb a dragon fish a dralien day a dramatic entrance a dream of spring a drier a drinking-game a driving school a dull place without a dult alternative a dyedinthewool nonco a eba ...
discerning - having or revealing keen insight and good judgment; "a discerning critic"; "a discerning reader" Adv. 1. clear - completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon" all the way ...
discerning - having or revealing keen insight and good judgment; "a discerning critic"; "a discerning reader" Adv. 1. clear - completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon" all the way ...
Donde fuera y cuando fuera que los barcos europeos desembarcaran soldados, curas y comerciantes, ellos inmediatamente encontraban “salvajes”. En la Edad Media, la palabra significaba fuerte y feroz; ahora significaba el antónimo de civilización. Los salvajes habitaban algo llamado “tierras...
with the lawyer Jake Brigance defending a minor convicted of capital murder (of his mother’s partner after months of abuses and threats). As in some of his books of 20+ years ago, he takes time to guide the reader through the jury selection process and later laying up the strategy for...
PDF (3.3 MB) View with Adobe Reader on a variety of devices Updated:September 4, 2009 Bias-Free Language Bias-Free Language The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that ...
discerning - having or revealing keen insight and good judgment; "a discerning critic"; "a discerning reader" Adv. 1. clear - completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon" all the way ...