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作者:THE READERS DIGEST 出版社:THE READERS DIGEST ASSOCIATION 出版时间:1967-00-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 页数:503 印数:1000 版次:1 ,购买READER'S DIGEST CONDENSED BOOKS 【DE LUXE EDITION】等外文旧书相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
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【导读】本文介绍了美国最畅销的杂志 《读者文摘》Reader's Digest is a monthly magazine. Before the 1980s, it belonged to a privately held company,which was started in 1922 by Lil a Bell Wallace and Dewitt Wallace. This magazine is small and easy to carry, just half the size of most Ameri...
By downloading Reader's Digest China, you can either purchase single issues OR subscribe to the below offer(s): • Single issue: S$ 2.98 • 1 month subscription (1 issue in total): S$ 2.98* • 3 month subscription (3 issues in total): S$ 6.98* ...
Reader’s Digest is___ magazine in the world. It has a devoted following of 100 million readers across the globe. A. the most widely read B. read the most widely C. the mostly widely read D. the more widely read E. 。第一句句意为: 《读者文摘》是世界上被最广泛阅读的杂志。read为过...
The interactive edition of Reader’s Digest lets you browse smart, useful tips on health, work, food, relationships, home, and money, all expertly selected from hundreds of online and print sources. You’ll discover original profiles of inspiring people, real-life dramas, insightful essays, and...
In today’s bite, we look at a novel way of searching for dark matter using the background of images of galaxies in infrared wavelengths. M 82 (star)bursts onto the scene! by Samantha Wong | Feb 13, 2025 The latest results from the VERITAS gamma-ray telescopes hint that starburst ga...
Reader'sDigestisamonthlymagazine.Beforethe1980s,itbelongedtoaprivately heldcompany,whichwasstartedin1922 byLilaBellWallaceandDewittWallace.Thismagazineissmallandeasytocarry,justhalfthesizeofmostAmericanmagazines,whichcausedaphrasein2005,"Americainyourpocket."ItisthebestsellingmagazineintheUSA.Atpresent,itscirc...
Reader's Digest 4+ Trusted Media Brands, Inc. Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPhone iPad Description A beautiful redesign for iPad and a new iPhone edition, which includes all the same content as our print and iPad editions, presented in an easy, mobile-friendly reading experience....