Next 13.4 and React 18 (#40039) Aug 9, 2023 .prettierignore Remove unused things, mostly Azure-related (#54192) Jan 31, 2025 Dockerfile Update Dockerfile ubuntu base image (#54609) Feb 28, 2025 Dockerfile.openapi_decorator Update Dockerfile.openapi_decorator (#46133) ...
TanStack/query - 🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query. solidjs/solid - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. vovaspace/brandi...
The useRef hook creates an object that exists for as long as the component is mounted. In our case, we want to keep track of the DOM element that is going to be created by our React component. We can see what this looks like in components/WebMap.js, shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: ...
ReactJS is used as the implementation language, an open-source and component-based JavaScript framework whose main purpose is to create user interfaces for single-page applications. On the other hand, Grafana provides a series of libraries that allow improved integration with data sources and ...
Right. JS includes are OK but not 100% reliable. There will always be some outliers with client-side script-blockers who can't see them. I dont concern myself about the handful that turn off/block javascript - vue, react and the rest of those websites ...
The introduction of new classes of antibiotics, and the high use of antimicrobials in healthcare, agriculture, and the food industry, have all contributed to accelerate the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacterial species and disseminat
This interdisciplinary study, coupling philosophy of law with empirical cognitive science, presents preliminary insight into the role of emotion in criminalization decisions, for both laypeople and legal professionals. While the traditional approach in c
(2) 40 µL TMS reagent (BSTFA/TMCS, 99:1) was added to each sample and then reacted at 37 °C for 120 min. For assays of the extracellular glucose, 100 µL supernatant of SZ3 culture broth was taken for freeze-drying and derivatization respectively. After centrifugation, ...
However, in spite of the speed with which we all had to react initially and the many restrictions and limitations imposed upon us (which resulted in us having very sporadic access to the collections), we managed to maintain an enquiry service and to do some other useful work. A blog post...
In: Third workshop on recognition and action for scene understanding (REACTS), Ruiz de Aloza Matarić MJ, Scassellati B (2016) Socially assistive robotics, Springer, Cham, pp 1973–1994 Merten M, Bley A, Schroeter C, Gross H (2012) A mobile robot platform for socially assistive home...