The Raven: Regia di James McTeigue. Con John Cusack, Luke Evans, Alice Eve, Brendan Gleeson. Quando un pazzo inizia a commettere orribili omicidi ispirati alle opere di Edgar Allan Poe, un giovane detective di Baltimora collabora con Poe per impedirgli d
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The Raven - Prophet des Teufels: Regie: James McTeigue Mit John Cusack, Luke Evans, Alice Eve, Brendan Gleeson Als ein Verrückter schreckliche Morde begeht, die von den Werken von Edgar Allan Poe inspiriert sind, verbündet sich ein junger Detektiv aus
Website Summary The macabre and lurid tales of Edgar Allan Poe are vividly brought to life - and death – in this stylish, gothic thriller starring John Cusack as the infamous author. When a madman begins committing horrific murders inspired by Poe’s darkest ...
This is all well and good and I’m ready to lose myself into stretching the truth for the sake of seeing a good story unfold, but the Edgar Allan Poe inThe Ravenis not as dynamic or as interesting a character as he might have been just sitting alone in a room writing. ...
2/14/2025 by Robert Milakovic Fiction Horizon Emma Watson’s Biggest Hit Outside of Harry Potter World is Also the Best Movie You Can Watch on This Valentine’s Day 2/13/2025 by Maria Sultan FandomWire Brendan Gleeson (I) TVLine Items: New Avatar Series, Kevin Bacon Bounty Hunter Series...
英文片名 The Raven 中文片名 乌鸦/神探爱伦坡:黑鸦凶杀案(港)/ 神探爱伦坡:黑鸦疑云(台) (2012) 类型 神秘, 惊悚 地区 美国,匈牙利,西班牙 文件大小 5.50 GB, 蓝光 RiP 720p 文件格式 MKV/x264 音轨 英语DTS 5.1 字幕 简繁英 IMDB评分 6.4 ◎译 名 乌鸦/神探爱伦坡:黑鸦凶杀案(港)/ 神探爱伦...
In this sense, “The Raven” reminds me of the old PBS series “Mystery,” which featured quality gothic mystery stories with a generally darker bent and few huge names in the cast. It’s has a higher production value than “Mystery,” but if you’re expecting about the same, you might...
it will only have about one week to rake in the cash until a little movie calledThe Avengerscomes out. Until then, we have a host of new images fromThe RavenfeaturingJohn Cusack, Alice Eve, Luke Evans, Bredan GleesonandOliver Jackson-Cohenin various shades of Gothic black. TheJames McTei...
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