Share on Facebook disc plough Wikipedia Related to disc plough:mouldboard plough n (Agriculture) a plough that cuts by means of revolving steel discs Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007,...
9. Used to indicate the second and larger term of a ratio or proportion: saved only one in ten. adv. 1. To or toward the inside: opened the door and stepped in. 2. To or toward a destination or goal: The mob closed in. 3. Sports So as to score, as by crossing home plate in...
often. The 5 speed gearbox felt a bit notchy compared to the R15 with 1 or 2 mishifts in between, but we think the gearbox will set in properly once it piles on some miles. The 5th gear ratio has been made taller to increase top speed and aid cruisability. So out on the highway...
FACTS & FIGURES 2003 Mitsubishi Motors Corporation publishes FACTS & FIGURES annually for those in the press and media, and those engaged in research into and the analysis of the automobile industry, to enable a better understanding of our operations. This document offers a large amount of useful...
The usage of bio diesel fuel (as per IS 15607 2005) would be applicable for all the current range of Mahindra engines between 7.5kVA and 62.5kVA. Mahindra Powerol plans to extend this to other range of engines in the near future. Project Locations India, Middle East, ...
In 2000, they represented 310% of global GDP (amounting to US$ 119 trillion) and reached a ratio of 316% of world GDP in 2010, amounting to US$ 219 trillion, for a world GDP of US$ 80 trillion in 2013. That is, financial assets are three times larger than all of the production ...
The exchange of shares was implemented on 1 July 2002 at a ratio of 1.31423 JATCO shares to one DMC share. 39 Project collaboration agreement Contracting company Contracting partner Company Incorporated in Contract details Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Mitsubishi Motor Sales Europe B.V. (consolidated ...
Between 2003 and 2010, the ratio of credit advanced by commercial banks to GDP rose from around 25 per cent to above 50 per cent. The two sectors that benefited most from such lending were housing and automobiles. Recent interest rate hikes by the Reserve Bank of India to cool down ...
The principal firm itself may not be engaged in the manufacture of that product. Ratios of company performance such as asset weight (defined as the ratio of the company’s undepreciated operating assets to its annual sales) or the ratio of price (market value of equity) to operating assets,...
Table 6 Discriminant validity of the first-order measurement model—Fornell–Larcker Criterion/ Heterotrait-Monotrait ratio (HTMT) Full size table Finally, we tested the model for Common Method Bias (Podsakoffet al., 2003) using Herman’s single factor test. In this test, EFA is conducted on ...